oh yeah I have one of those livejournal things....

Oct 19, 2007 18:13

So... big changes lately? Yes.
Jason and I are no longer on speaking terms. I'm not gonna bad mouth him or anything because the more I think about it, the more I realize I set myself up for the whole thing. I mean he just got out of a really long relationship, he already had a little "thing" going on with Danielle or whatever... and then along comes me. I should of just kept it as friends. But HE is the one who called me 5 times a day. HE is the one who kissed me first. HE is the one who called me stupid names like "baby". And HE is the one who didn't even know if he was over his ex or not. But apparently that's not leading someone on. And I'm an ass hole. Oh okay. Whatever though. Anyway when we got in a fight one night (not an unusual event) he said he never wanted to talk to me again so I took that literally. Even when he tried and tried and tried to apologize. Because that's what he ALWAYS did. I was a side dish. And he knew he had me wrapped around his finger and it was true but NO MORE. Oh well.
So Wendy's... yeah I quit there. I didn't even make a big scene like last time. Hector was being mean and said he wasn't in the mood for my bullshit and if I didn't want to keep changing positions every 5 minutes then I could clock out and leave. So I said "okay, bye" and left. But before I left I chopped all the burgers in half that were on the grill. And they actually thought I was going to come to work the next day and they were going to fire me. HAHA. I quit stupid motherfuckers.
AND miraculously, I did 30 hours of community service in 2 weeks, while still working 40 hours a week at Wendy's. I don't know HOW I did it, and I still can't believe I pulled it off. But I have been doing my hours at the elementary school, and it's been so much fun! Today the principal offered me a paid position. It's only 7.50 an hour and the hours are terrible (about 20 a week), but I'm only taking it because I love love love the kids and it's so much fun and it looks good on my college stuff because I want to be a teacher... so yeah. I'm also starting training for SPIRE on Wednesday night which is a program for kids who have trouble reading and I'll just work with a couple kids for a couple hours a week. This is unpaid but it's another GREAT thing since I want to be a teacher.
AND I had an interview earlier this week for a place called Port Resources, which is a group home for Autistic kids. Today they called me and said I got the job!!! And Dana got the same job!!! I start training on Thursday morning and it's 9.50 an hour for training. After training I get a 50 cent raise and after 3 months I get another 50 cent raise. I can get 40 hours in within 3 days because of 13 hour shifts. And I could get benefits, but I don't need those until I turn 19. 4 PAID weeks off a year. And personal days too... even though I don't really need them because I'll have a set schedule! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!
Also in April I am gonna take a week off and go to Calfornia. I'm gonna fly into SLO and visit with everyone that I know there and what not, then Micah and I are taking a roadtrip to the bay area to look at colleges. Her Dad said he would pay for hotels and gas and stuff because he's really into the whole college thing. SO EXCITED!!!!
Today was a very good day.
I'm not a loser anymore working at Wendy's!!!!! Hehehehehehehehehheheheehehheeeee. I'm actually doing something productive with my life. Making a difference in the lives of others. It's a very weird feeling, to like, actually feel like I have a purpose. And it's like I know I am going to work with kids my whole life. It's what I LOVE doing. It makes me so happy.
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