Nov 12, 2005 23:24
I really want to kick some ass right now.
Ok, so a few weeks ago my creative writing prof (children's lit) asks myself and 3 other classmates (via email) if we'd be interested in doing a school reading. we all said yes, and another week or so later, our prof gives us the contact info for the librarian of the elementary school in question. so fine. a day later one of the girls nominates herself to do the organization. so fine. a week ago she sends out an email asking us for short bios and our availability. ok fine. i take a few days getting back to her, cause, you know, my life has been crazy, what with work and school and having my house broken into. so two days ago, this girl sends out an email, saying only one of us has gotten back to her so far, and that if the others don't respond by 2 pm she'll assume we're not doing it anymore. EXCUSE ME? like, what the fuck is that? so i somewhat sarcastically respond, and it turned into a dozen emails back and forth (i provided her with what she asked for, but then she said she needed 'other stuff' too, which i had no fucking clue about, like what 'other stuff?', and it seemed she didn't have much of a clue either). Fine, done. Just now, she sends out an email to all of us, of what she's going to send to the librarian. all of ours are short bios, like whatever. HERS is rediculous. lists every little article she's published (which granted, good for her), and then refers to her picture book assignment as her FIRST BOOK which excuse me, it's not, it's an assignment, and you can't call it your "First Book" until its been published, duh, which it hasn't, duh. Like she's some famous author and we're the tagalong cronies. AND she refers to herself as an author/writer. Ok, so she's published a few articles, and she's in a first year creative writing class. She's a cop, who writes a bit on the side.
Part of me wants to back out immediately. The thing that really annoys me is that I actually like her in class. Other than the fact that she's the type to brag to everyone about her good marks. And makes sure I read the nice comments our teacher leaves on her stories. GIVE ME A BREAK! Who CARES? I hate people who broadcast their marks. And I get good marks. It reminds me of Chelsea Raney from high school who always felt she was in personal competition with me. She'd ask me my mark, and if it was lower than hers, she'd gloat giddily for the rest of the day, and if it was better than hers, she'd sulk and slam her books around. Like, darlin, fuck off.
So I'm revising a poetry assignment, maybe I should write a poem about chelsea. and read it at the school reading. fuck it, maybe i should just write a poem about stupid ol wrinkly author/writer barb. i'll rhyme "premature fine-lines" with "insecure whine-swine"
ok that sucked. maybe she is better than me after all.