Oct 17, 2005 23:56
The puir man’s heid's sair
Wi’ greetin’ for his guid grey mare
He’s like to dee himsel’ wi’ care
Aside the green kirkyard
He’s thinkin’ on his bygone days
And a’ his douce and canny ways
And how his ain guid wife, auld Bess
Micht maist as weel have been spared.
"what do credit cards have to do with irish american music?"
LC hooked up with Jason
Chelley has been writing in her LJ
MB i miss you already
SARAH needs to call me
i need to get tix for a bruins 4 joey
Timmy your boyfriend is so cute
i saw meghan nee today and catherine king at massasoit
cancel that sarah is talking to me now!!!!! haha
ashley's halloween party is comin!!!!
and those have been the thoughts of the week