Novel Talk

Nov 22, 2016 09:54

I'm pretty sure my current NaNo novel is turning into a femanist erotica. It's going to need a lot of tweaking and editing later, but this first draft is starting to get fun again.

I took some time away from writing the other day to do a thought progression form of plotting. "What if this is this, no wait better idea how about so and so is bad guy", etc.  I'm trying to sort out my internal and external conflicts.  I know erotica is generally about the sex, but the ones I've truly enjoyed actually have some decent plot as well.  The odd-ball scientist studying paranormal quantum events and the russian spy who is trying to steal his ideas.  The young student who becomes a top male model and comes back as a domanant rather than submissive.  Working with an undercover cop to find a drug trafficker.  Not complicated plots by any means, but certainly more than: they went into the bathroom and banged, then in the car and banged, then out for dinner and banging.

Think of your favorite romance novels.  It's a love story, but there's a vilain or a major hurdle.  That's what makes it a story vs straight porn. Though I guess some porn also has illusion of plot.

Other novel thinking shinanigans: pretty sure I am modeling my main couple as a Beauty & the Beast The Human Years sort of dealio.  When the Beast is human again and Belle realizes she's in a castle with a whole world to manage and a man she doesn't really know.  The Beast's brother comes back angry that the kingdom has been taken away from him with the return of his older brother.  A heir to the kingdom is needed to secure the throne. The feather duster helps patch up the Beast and Belle's marriage with some fairly openminded French notions.  Lumiere may even make an appearance.  Replace kingdom for corporation and you have my tale.

Not a horrible plan, but certainly odd that I didn't recognize it sooner.  Explains why my main man is grumpy all the time. He has to use toilettes now. Joke, joke.

It is nice to have direction and motivation again.  I was tempted to pack off and meddle with other projects, but decided to stick it out and get over the hurdle of plot holes.  Voila, I'm on the other side--mostly--and feeling kinda proud of myself.

Not feeling proud of myself for word counts though.  Dunno how y'all do it with your 10k days.  I pushed through most of the day, but found with a lot of twiddling and blank staring and random researching I didn't get past the 2.5k mark.  I'd had high hopes for having so many days off to do NaNo, but it doesn't seem sustainable.  Depressed at the thought that work week starts again soon and I'll fall behind again.

It would seriously blow to get close and fail by just a bit.  Still 8k behind the track. So close!

In other news: mother is sending me frequent emails and texts. Apparently she is bored and has nothing better to do than send me minute by minute updates. I should feel sorry. Wait, no I shouldn't. God bless homecare.

Other other news: dad thinks mexican drug gangs are importng imigrants to do their illegal crimes as deportation just means a free ride home. Can't say it's totally wrong, though will try to solicit him with facts. Small steps.

nanowrimo, mum, family, writing

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