Jul 23, 2005 22:18
It never ends...
<3Im NoT sUrE wHaT i SeE...
CuPiD dOnT fUcK wItH mE....
If YoUr fEeLiN mE tHeN sEnD a SiGn<3
Hung out with Ashley today and Joey & Nick picked us up and we went and got sushi at Morgans work....i was scared at first but now i love it...Joe and Nick wont admit it but they love it too haha Nick ate all the wasabi oh man his face was red and his eyes were watering...
I was SUPPOSED to go to Underwoods sisters with a buncha people but me and my faggot dad got into an arguement tonight...he said i "run around too much" which im not even gone that much and when i am its work...gay as fuck he totally ruined my night
on a lighter note...sorry cant think of one right now....ill get back to ya on that lol