October 25th, 2010

Oct 25, 2010 21:15

Livejournal, Oh how I have missed your presence. Well, I am 22 years old now. Sort of depressing. Sort of exciting. I don't have many regrets in these past few years. I have lived my life to the fullest and have loved every minute of it. The boy I first fell in love with will never be forgotten and the boy I am in love with now is amazing. I have so much to be happy and thankful for in my life. I feel like I have a stronger head on my shoulders today than I have ever had. I know what I want, I know what I love, but I don't know EXACTLY who I am. But what does that really mean when people want to "find themselves"? How do you find yourself? My boyfriend of 16 months now knows exactly what he wants in life. He has a timeline and everything. His exact words are "when I'm 25 I will be married with my frist kid". GOOD GOD haha I don't feel the same way. Im a more "go with the flow" kind of woman. I wish I could set goals for myself but I feel like when the time is right things will come to me. Anways, it was nice to write down and catch up on my life. I like looking back and seeing my ridculous life in action !

Of course, LOVE always, ang.
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