Oct 03, 2016 02:41
Dear Yuletide Author,
I'm so glad to see you here, it's great that we share enough interests to be paired up in this exchange. ;) Here are some lists of my general squicks and faves, but please know that I'm rather flexible about all the things in my fics, so don't worry too much about these lists. These are just to make your life easier if you struggle to come up with an idea for the story, not to ruin your already existing ideas or motivation.
General dislikes: Most of all non-con. Unless you're really sure it will work, please avoid. Same for dub-con, though here I believe I'm easier to convince and am a great fan of plenty of tropes that automatically assume some level of dub-con. Bestiality / sexual relations with non-humans who are shown as not getting the idea of what's going on / unable to communicate properly. I mostly mention it, 'cause recently I stumbled upon some merfolk and alien fics, which I generally like well enough, but in which the merperson/alien was described too much like an animal? They didn't fully understand what was going on and it made their consent giving abilities kinda shady, if you know what I mean. So yeah, I discovered it is a squick for me.
I don't know why I assume you might be interested in writing me some filthy porn, but hey, better safe than sorry. ;)
In case you're on complete opposite side of porn writing spectrum - meaning, you don't do that - I should also mention I'm not a great fan of gen fics. XD Don't get me wrong, I will read a good one and enjoy it too and I don't care that much for porn actually, but I love me some romance, okay? ;) It's not obligatory, but it's very much welcome. ;)
Also, I have a weird dislike for coffeshops AUS, though often its killed by a good fic, but yeah.
Other dislikes that come to mind: character bashing (especially female characters), too fluffy fics, overly cracky things, role-play.
Things that I like: AUs, fake relationships, banter/dialouge, angst, angst with a happy ending, soulmate aus, soulmate aus gone wrong, mermaids, crack written seriously, magic realism, A/B/O, D/s, getting together fics, enemies to lovers, minor characters, romance, breaking hearts of my fave characters, kid fics, gender bender, asexual!character fics, aromantic!character fics, match-making, slow burn, fix-it fics, filler scenes. (I will possibly add to this list if I come up with something before the assignments are send.)
Specific notes for fandoms/characters I've listed:
BLACK SAILS: I am perfectly happy with any and all mixes of the characters mentioned. (OT4 certainly accepted as well.) Just if you leave someone out - absolute no bashing.
You may also include any other character you wish, though I'd prefer them not be paired up with any of the four I've listed.
Generally I'm obsessed with this fandom atm, so give me anything. Though if you actually give me anything that includes Silver/Miranda, I will possibly pee from joy. But I'm fine without such drastic reactions, so really. ANYTHING. (My favourite for angst is Flint, but they all take it so well.)
WHITECHAPEL: No slash please. I mean, not between Ray and Joe, just no. I've tried it, but it's not my thing after all. In this fandom I actually do prefer gen. Or OCs. *shrugs*
BAD MOMS: I DON'T KNOW. I mostly added it, 'cause I was amazed it was an option D: I loved the movie, I love all the characters. Do what you want to do, I will be happy.
IN THE FLESH: I just miss the show, you know? But I'm all here for Simon/Kieren and also any and all Jem fics. Slash encouraged, but gen will be most certainly very much welcome as well.
That is all. I know it's not hugely informative, but that's why I tried to include as many as possible general likes, so you can be all "Well, if they don't specify, I'm gonna write them mermaid, high-school au, mwahahahaha! Oh, wait, they like it. Cool."
Basically - boldly go and write me anything :D
letters to writers