Pic meme - results! (Part One of Who Knows)

Aug 18, 2014 02:02

First of all:

( multi-fandom friending meme)

Second of all:

I fell behind with LJ (and life) again. I'm terribly sorry, I will try to catch up. My excuse is bad as always, this time it's freshly downloaded and installed new version of Sims. (This time 3rd part with all - most? - add ons.)

Third of all:

Picture meme! Yes, it took me ages, forgive me. Still, it's here. More or less. The truth is, I still have to take some pictures to do justice to the prompt left by aletheiafelinea. So, if you still have any ideas of what from my life you'd like to see in pictures: feel free to comment here or on the previous post. Now, the pictures that I've managed to do already:

"My books" - prompted by megan_moonlight.

There is still clutter on that shelf, but there is just so much I could do (or was willing to do). Anyway, here are my books and some movies. You can't really see everything and some others are hidden between old papers and stuff probably, but also I don't have that many books with me here. My collection back at home is slightly more impressive. Here I have like half of the shelf and randomly placed books. (As I'm writting this I realize I have four more thin X-Files books and one thick thriller, which didn't fit here and are on seperate shelf. Sorry.)

I only remembered to add Gastby, when I was taking pics:

"View from my window" - prompted by qwentoozla.

I'm afraid the view from my window is far from impressive, but it's not terrible either. *shrugs*

"My desk" - prompted by raktajinos.

This one took most effort, 'cause I had to clean my desk well enough for you to actually see it.

(That's why you're getting two pictures. So much effort can't be wated.)

The prompt by raktajinos had a catch though, because it included the phrase "(or wherever you normally go on the computer)". Now see, this is tricky. As you can see, I have perfectly servicable desk. I probably should go on my computer there. But that it is not the case most of the days. Parlty because I'm lazy slob. Partly because my back hurt like hell, if I sit for any longer period of time. Mostly because I love my bed. So, yeah, this is where I mostly go on my comp:

This all started, 'cause I was talking to r_a_j_ka about a plushie I sew, when I was angry. (Hir name is Tuesday.) And when I took Tue's pic, r_a_j_ka asked about the jar visible on the shelf and we started talking and I suddenly remembered that no, not all people fill jars with buttons, because they like both jars and buttons. (*shrugs*) And since I had this meme going, I promised r_a_j_ka pics of those jars here. First of all thought, have a look at Tuesday:

And now the best pic I took of button jars:

Actually there is a whole story about how button jars started to be a thing, but I honeslty only remembered they were not a thing before, when their existance was questioned. Fascinating.

As you see I still suck at taking pics, but maybe over time I will get a bit better. It's fun ;)

aletheiafelinea's prompt was far more vague and will take me a bit longer, because I haven't yet decided if the pictures I already took of Łódź will be enough. I will post in few days, promise :)

And as I said, if anyone, in the mean time, thought about something else they'd like me to take a pic of: ask away. :)

picspam, tue, lososiov, books, the boat city, meme, pics

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