Pic meme - better than promised posts, like, totally

Aug 11, 2014 19:21

The promised posts will appear, but for now, I wanted to drag you back to an old meme that was circling around some time ago. It was all about taking pics of things the flist wished in comments. And so I recently finally got a camera and I could take some pics that would look better than the things made by my mobile and so I want to do this meme ( Read more... )

meme, pics

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Comments 12

megan_moonlight August 11 2014, 17:38:48 UTC
Your boooooooks :DDDDDD


andrea_deer August 14 2014, 00:50:07 UTC
Oh dear, you all requested things that will require some cleaning up! XD I can't even see my books at the moment XD


megan_moonlight August 14 2014, 18:14:02 UTC
Lol, you should have expected that :PPP


andrea_deer August 14 2014, 18:24:54 UTC
I'm in denial of anything that might suggest I will have to clean up my room. :P


qwentoozla August 12 2014, 00:28:43 UTC
I'd like to see the view from your window!


andrea_deer August 14 2014, 00:50:46 UTC
Will do! :D It'll probably be the easiest so far, since it won't require much of cleaning up my room XD


raktajinos August 12 2014, 05:14:14 UTC
how about a picture of your desk (or wherever you normally go on the computer)


andrea_deer August 14 2014, 00:51:25 UTC
Will be done! :D I just need to put some order in my messy room or this will be too embaressing XDDD


raktajinos August 14 2014, 04:51:18 UTC
hahahaha totally warranted. I would clean mine up too.


aletheiafelinea August 16 2014, 17:22:12 UTC
How I managed to overlook it? Exactly the sort of things my obsession of pics is fed with. ^^ Can I have some small detail (or details) in your place you love? Pieces of buildings, or a tree, or some fancy shop window, or... you get it. :)


andrea_deer August 18 2014, 00:11:30 UTC
This will be done, but I need more time to decide on the right pictures XD


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