Rare Characters Echange Author Letter (Re-Posted, Again, Sorry, Trying To Trick LJ Into Working)

Aug 01, 2014 20:01

(Oi, so I'm signing up for this rare characters' exchange and I wanted to post a letter to the person who gets me in the challenge. I fear it's useless as those letters come, but I tried my best. ;))

Dear Author,

first of all, let me assure you that all characters I've listed please me greatly, but I admit I signed up for Anderson. *shrugs*

If you however came here with plan to write me some Orange is the new black I ain't complaining either, but I have to let you know that I'm currently binge watching it, but I have not yet reached the ending of aired episodes. (Probably will by the time the challenge is done, so that's not really revelent, sorry, I ramble.) Yep, finished.

Anyway! I will read anything, except for non-cons. If it's a non-con, but not between main pairing and like, past thing that the fic doesn't focus on (or focuses on the comfort part of hurt&comfort) - I'm good, but I'd appreciate letting me know, 'cause I won't risk reading non-con if I'm not clear about that. Sorry.

Besides that, bring me anything. Bring me angst, weird AUs, kid fics, lots of happy shipping. Angst that end happily. Characters feeling worthless and underappreciated, but then something changes/someone gets them/they understand they were loved all the time. I'm a sucker for this kind of plot.

What else I love... Hm. Serial killer au? Like a character from the show actually being the serial killer, but it all fits within cannon? Also evil characters that no one expected? And not really like beloved ones, but more like, ignored ones. (You know, not much for Evil!John, but all for Evil!Anderson.)

I'm generally fond of AUs. Some of my favourites are:

- in the world, where everyone knows their soulmate, the main pairing of the fic struggles to be together regardless the fact that they know they're not each other's soulmates. (Or soulmates deciding they're not gonna be together, or not together romantically, whatever.)

- Useless superpowers. In the world, where people have superpowers, our hero knows what colours things are in the dark. Or can talk to squirrels. They don't obey him or even answer his questions, they don't really get what he's talking about and he doesn't really get them either, but they can talk. Or she always knows what tea someone likes.

- all kinds of aus with some weird and complex society system full of rules. Royal au, alpha/beta/omega, D/s, slave au, some supernatural aus, etc. etc.

Hm. Yes. I also like kid fics. And fics with asexual! and/or aromantic! characters. And romcom lame tropes like faking relationship and stuff. My favourite thing in stories is banter and witty dialouges. Also, I *love* crack prompts written so seriously and angsty that they break your heart into tiny pieces and dance upon them.

I will also accept angst without happy ending. Quite gladly, I'm turning into terrible, tears fueled person lately. ;)

But don't stress too much, I will be happy with anything about those rare characters that I listed. Good luck! :) Sorry it was so unspecific! :/

fic exchange, rare characters, author letter

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