So, basically, I didn't have as much fun this year as I did two years ago. *shrugs* This time I got a team, which while being pretty abnosome, was also really pressured for getting as many points as possible and WINNING. Now, nothing wrong with that, I guess. But as a persone who doesn't want to win (I've already planned like a dozen ways to get rid of my prize in the improbable case of winning it) it was a bit too much pressure for me, you know? Like, I wanted to have fun, in my own time. I know we are always short on time, but being asked over and over how is it going, what everyone is planning, what's up, what's up, keep up the good work, I just wanted to shut down my computer and fake problems with connecting to the Internet. On top of that I started fighting with the cold and I was really not up for anything crazy (no matter how long I considered the bungee jump) and so I didn't do that much.
I think lots depends on the team one gets, but different ways of playing with GISHWHES on top of my not highly enthusiastic mood mostly kicked out some fun from the whole experience. Still, it wasn't that bad. I did have some fun. ;)
And I present you with some picked items made by our team. Enjoy :)
42. VIDEO: Film your team’s GISHWHES experience - you all communicating with each other via the Internet, doing courageous items in public, items at home, laughing, crying, screaming, running - we want to see it all. Include a couple of personal voice-overs or video clips of one or more of you commenting about how it affected you (bad or good). We want to see the journey. Edit it into a 2-minute video,
Click to view
141. IMAGE: Make a picture book for preschoolers explaining the Pythagorean theorem.
31. IMAGE: Have at least six men in military, police or fire uniforms holding you over their heads as you sunbathe on your beach chair.
60. IMAGE: Safari time! Construct an animal you would see in the African savanna entirely from feminine hygiene products.
56. IMAGE: Create an online dating profile for your pet on a real dating site.
69. IMAGE: Toast for underwear. Butter and jam are optional.
71. VIDEO: Dress up in your finest “steampunk” attire and get behind the wheel, rudder or other steering instrument of a steam-powered vehicle (train, steamboat, thresher, etc.).
Click to view
75. IMAGE: “You are what you eat.” Prove it.
127. IMAGE: Make your country’s flag from food or food packaging.
120. IMAGE: Let’s see your most dramatic interpretation of “Death by Chocolate!”
41. IMAGE: Have a pool party with at least three guests swimming. In this case, your "pool" shall be made from a large garbage can or dumpster. The party must also include towels, a BBQ, cocktails and floatation devices. All three people must be in the "pool". Bonus points if it's a dumpster.
35. IMAGE: You’re naked and late for your day job of saving cities. You’re in your garage with no time to hit your secret lair. Get dressed using only auto/home improvement tools and landscaping items.
23. IMAGE: Prom Night! Get dolled up or decked out in your most fabulous prom-wear and pose for an awkward prom photo next to your date holding their… side-view mirror. A car must be formally dressed as your prom date.
22. IMAGE: Model this summer’s hottest fashion trend. Let’s see a swimsuit made entirely from tea bags.
32. VIDEO: The Scottish have their highland games that include an event where a man in a kilt throws a long wooden pole or trunk (caber) as far as he can. Let’s see this, but have the man in a full Scottish kilt throw a caber that is at least 10 feet long and is painted or adorned to look like a giant piece of asparagus or other vegetable.
Click to view
109. IMAGE: Make a suit or evening gown from watermelon rind.
142. IMAGE: (Two photos in one image.) "Hell and back." In other words, we want to see a before and after photo of a GISHWHES 2013 participant. The first photo should depict the participant eagerly getting ready for the great, adventurous week ahead, and the second photo, what the participant looks like at the close of the hunt.
45. IMAGE: Strike up a conversation with a homeless person, talk to them until you know their first name, where they are from, and what their favorite food is. Bring them that food and, if they give you permission, take your picture with them and their meal.
15. IMAGE: What would a teddy bear hostage situation look like?
17. IMAGE: A rooster wearing a Gishwhes tank top
149. IMAGE: Let’s see you in a cage staring down an animal in a cage. The catch: your cage is in his cage.
106. IMAGE: Outfit a public statue of a celebrated historical figure with a knitted or crocheted Gishwhes cardigan.
143. IMAGE: Create a grammatically correct anagram sentence using the first names of each of the members of your team. The image must show both the first names of your team members and the sentence.
139. IMAGE: In front of the most famous building or monument in your city or town, hold a sign over your head with what your town's tourism motto should be based on how you see it. For example: "Burkfields, MA! Where people used to have jobs!" or "Los Angeles, CA! Where everyone sleeps in!"
10. IMAGE: While showing some sign of the dragon-attack on your clothing or body, panhandle on a sidewalk (NOT ON A MEDIAN IN TRAFFIC!) with a sign that reads: "A DRAGON BURNED MY CASTLE DOWN." Donate any money given to you to your local food bank. Bad karma if you don't.
And for the ending (we've submited more, but I think I've picked plenty already to share with you ;) have pics of us in our uniform. (It was supposed to be eventually one pic, I'm not sure if it ended up being it, but here, have a bunch.)
80. IMAGE: Create your own homemade team uniform. Each team member must wear the uniform and have a photo taken. Compile the photos into a grid of photos with your team name at the bottom of the image.
In conclusion: Join us next year. Yeah, okay, I'm not sure I will be participating, but it could be fun. At some point though I'd like to gather a bunch of crazy people and give myself more time than a week and actually do the whole list. Somehow. IDK. I had this vision, it'd be epic, whatever.
And just for the record, I'm considering taking part again next year, because I like the crazy, not because Misha promised to include William Shatner. Okay, fine that too.