Ireland update ;)

Jun 26, 2013 12:22

We have arrived ;)

Last night we landed in Dublin and we are all fine. We're staying at the hotel at the moment and fighting with the wi-fi. (Because that's the most important thing, obviously. ;)) We're gonna look for a flat to rent soon, deal with the beaurocracy, etc. etc.

First few observations:

- It somehow still doesn't get to me that I am in a different country and not like just a different city or something. Perhaps if I were to travel the whole distance and see it passing by, but with an plane? I barely noticed we traveled so far away.

- It is really weird that people around are not talking in Polish. Though it would be much scarrier if not for the fact that 1) sometimes they do speak in Polish, 2) they very often don't speak in English either, I heard plenty of languages lately. For some reasons multiply languages are less scary than just one forgein language surrounding you.

- I like how many places were open when we arrived late at night. Last time we tried to eat Chinese food after 11 pm at Łódź, we were stuck, 'cause everything was closed already. Now, close to 1 am, we took our pick at the place we should eat at. I know, I know. It's obvious, but it was nice. ;)

- Flying is not scary at all. It's not very exciting either. It's boring as hell and the airpoints are even worse. Ugh. Trains over aeroplanes. Busses over aeroplanes. I swear, walking on foot is better than aeroplanes! D:

All in all, still feels strange and I'm not happy with how many things we have to do before we can calm down and have some peace. But it is feeling better after a night of sleep and some lazing around. :) I will tell you more later :*

life update, imgonnawashurdishesireland, ugh, flying is boring

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