Meme of Interests :)

May 31, 2013 04:14

I remembered I had this meme to do, so, 03:46 am sounds like a perfect time for a meme. (Sleep schedules, what are they?) Sorry for spaming you today, perhaps I'm recompensating for days of no posting. Or I am just very actively avoiding studying. *shrugs*

Comment on this post and I will choose six interests from your profile. You will then explain what they mean/why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so that others can play along.

hiddleasaurus gave me those:

Alex Krycek - from those of you who don't know, he is one of the bad misunderstood guys from The X-Files. He was pretty awesome, I actually tried to pick a favourite character from the series, when I started getting into it and not just watching random ep on the telly. And my best friend of that time loved Mulder so much I really didn't want to have him as my favourite as well. (I do that.) And I was jumping from character to character until I finally noticed Alex and yeah, he is awesome. Often ridiculous and overly dramatic. Imho completely head over heels for Mulder. And also, well, a bad guy. In a leather jacket. What's not to love? (He is though not my favourite character, because that is Scully.)

Bollywood - on the occassion of Polish friending meme we've discussed with aletheiafelinea how weird it is to list an interest, because all we can think of is 'I don't know enough about it to call it my interest, there are some obsessed people who know everything about it and I am so not one of them'. This is exactly the case with bollywood. I talked about it with some seriously into it people and I'm nowhere near their level of knowledge on the subject. I do however like the movies and watch them from time to time. I love the singing and overly dramatic plot, and all the feels. XD

Gravitation - one of the few animes I actually watched and even liked. So it had to go into the interests. I adore Yuki. And I'm not sure if that would amuse anyone but me, since I'm not sure there's anyone here who enjoys both Gravitation and Teen Wolf, but it could be an interesting fussion, huh? XD I mean, Derek as Yuki? Being an asshole and insulting Shuichi/Stiles' (lack of) talent on an accidental meeting in the park? Stiles being persistent and falling for the asshole of a writer, but Derek's tragic past comes up to almost ruin everything? (Though I guess he would take Kate's name as pseudonym.) And Hiro is so Scott, though he would be cuter as Scott. And Sagano is Isaac, like totally. AND COACH FINSTOCK AS K!!! Okay, I will stop now as no one probably gets that vision besides me, sorry XD

Hufflepuff - That is the bestest house of Hogwarts and not only, cause I am in it. (But it is a plus, let's be honest.) I always tried to figure out which House I am. I was convinced I'm a Slytherin, because:

1) I didn't want to be a Gryffindor,
2) when my friend read me Sorting's Hat song out of context and before I read the books, I thought Slythering sounded the best,
3) I love sarcasm and most of the Slytherins.

Unfortunately (?) I am not ambitious nor cunning and lying is a hardship. Actually deceiving for my own amusement is such a forgein concept I have hard time understanding it at all.

So, then, the 7th book had a Polish premiere (like ugh months after the British one? many months, but I don't remember exactly how many). And we went with a whole bunch of people, having fun, geeking out, all dressed up and getting melancholic about the whole HP saga. And I was still trying to figure out my house (I think I was betting on Gryffindor then, because while loving books and knowledge in general, I don't love those enough to be Raven). And there was a Sorting Hat. You sat on a chair and in the computer screen you appeared with having the hat on, and then they took your pic (sort of) and you had the name of the house there. And I was sorted into the Hufflepuff and I thought, omg, this makes so much sense. And so I'm a Hufflepuff. And the best part? Hufflepuff accepts everyone, so it's not like I'm gonna be all "omg, I was such a coward, I'm a bad Griff" or "that was so dumb, I'm a terrible Raven". Nah, Hufflepuffs are all "omg, I sucked so much! Oh, well, will try better next time." I'm really proud and happy about my house. :D

(btw, Pottermore put me in Hufflepuff as well! ^^ And I didn't even try to cheat!) (Maybe that's why...) And yes, I overthink Hogwarts houses all the time. Sorry. (NOT.)

Paranormal - As a kid I watched The X-Files and it stuck with me. In general I like the stories about paranormal stuff. I don't really believe in them, I just like them. It's like this awesome weird feeling of things we can't explain at the moment. Awesome.

Sherlock BBC - My friend was suffering greatly from the first season final and as everyone else (me included) decided to ease the pain by making someone else feel it as well. I loved Sherlock from the very first ep I watched (which accidently was not actually, the first episode as I started from The Blind Banker, because I can get lost in order of every TV show, even if it has three episodes). I still love it, though I liked second series a lot less than the first one and I am actually terrified of how little I will like the third one.

bolly, character: alex krycek, hufflepuff, bollywood, meme, shah rukh khan, teen wolf, flist, sherlock, sherlock bbc, gravitation, x-files

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