- Teen Wolf has new kink meme! tnw_kinkmeme! Go and enjoy! :D
- I got more notifications about comments in the past two days than in the past two weeks. I love having more friends around :D
- I'm thinking about doing a new "30 days of" meme, but I can't decide on the subject. You guys heard of/seen any good memes of this sort?
- I was working on a rec list, but I got distracted with an amazing WIP story. I hate WIPs. Argh. But it was amazing.
- The sentence of today (or the paraphrased quote of today): "you sometimes look at yourself, sitting alone on a Friday night, eating ice-creams and reading porn and you think... this is fantastic. I'm in heaven."
- I also did this meme about LiveJournal, taken from the qwentoozla. :)
How did you come to start your LJ?
I honestly don't remember.
I'm pretty sure I started it, posted for a bit, then forgot about it all and came back, when more of my friends were here. For a long time though my posting was absolutely horrible XD I kept on posting all those quiz results and stupidly long entries that made sense only to me and never ever used lj-cut, omg. XD
How did you find your first friends?
I invited a few. Then kept adding people from mirriel, Polish HP forum, and other sites I was on.
Are those first friends still on your FL?
Some of them, yes :) Plenty of them are not active on livejournal anymore though :(
How long have you been on LJ?
This is weird, cause I have some posts (two or three) from 2003, but I really started posting in 2006. Like I said, I started posting, then stopped and then came back. Still, if we'd count 2003 I'd have 10 years anniversary this year XD (According to dates of the entries it passed on 22nd January).
But since the first entry in 2006 is titled "First entry!!!", then let's go with this. Seven active years on LJ :D (I'm celebrating on 10th February XD)
Do you have more friends or communities on your FL?
Do you do a lot of friends cuts?
I did them a few times, when LJ was a busier place. And one time, when I thougth about making my LJ friends only, because I actually wanted then to know all those that would still be able to see my entires. That never worked though and I've never managed to cut much ;D
What do you like in an LJ friend?
I truly enjoy those with whom I can just randomly talk with without wondering "are they mad at me, because I haven't commented on anything on their LJ in ages?"/"I don't really remember anything about them, omg!"
Also, those who do my memes and post memes. Memes ♥
What do you dislike in an LJ friend?
Lack of lj-cuts. I'm a terrible bastard about lj-cuts. I don't comment on those post, because I know how much of a bastard I can be. It's been known to happen than upon seeing a really, really, really long entry about something bad and tragic my first reaction was "that really sucks, but I don't see how would lj-cut make your situation worse, so why didn't you use it?" A bastard. I told you.
And I don't mean "oh, cut every post past three sentences and every picture". Seriously. But when I see a post on my flist that takes more than all the other posts together, I get annoyed. And usually not read the post out of spite, even if it is about something that would normally interest me. Bastard. I told you.
Also, I hate character and pairings bashing. I mean, feel free to hate some of them and even tell me about it if you do. But there's a difference, at least to me, between saying "omg, I hate Sherlock, personally I just can't stand him" and saying "I hate Sherlock, he is such a moron, how can you even like him?"
I don't expect you all to cry with me, when if they kill Peter Hale. But if you come to me and go all "nanananana they finally burned him down!", I'm gonna reap your throat out. With my teeth.
What would make you un-friend someone immediately?
Hard to say. I've never defriended someone immediately after they've done something.
There was once this situation with a "friend", so to speak, who suddenly started posting really awful things bashing one of the actresses I like, because she dared to marry a guy, who in opinion of some fans should end up with another guy. (This is so mysterious nobody knows what I'm talking about, I bet.) And those were really hurtful things posted about an actualy living, breathing human being, not just a character. I mean, they'd suck about character, but here it was way worse.
Still, I didn't want to defriend her and yet make some kind of a statement, so... I did a post or two about how happy I am that this actors pair is happy and I congratulate both him and her and yay for happy people all around. The "friend" defriended me.
This is basically how it usually goes. People defriend me, not the other way around.
Have you been caught up in a lot of LJ drama?
Not really. Some small ones, more personal. Some mod hatred, when I had a community or two. Few shipping wars.
Do real-life friends and family members know you have a journal on LJ?
Yes, but it's irrelevent as they don't own their own LiveJournals and don't really go on LJ. My family in general is not online, so it's not a problem for me. (Not to mention they don't speak English, which is also helpful sometimes.)
As for non-fandom RL friends, I don't hide my LJ, I mention it often enough and link to it on things like university forum or study group forum, or whatever. Most of them don't care, as I said, lack of interest with LiveJournal. And it's not like they don't know I'm fandom insane.
One of my non-fandom RL friends with whom now I only have contact through emails, sometimes checks up my LJ to learn if I'm still alive and if I got into any troubles or anything.
Do you also have Facebook and if so, what do you prefer - LJ or FB?
I do have FB to connect with my uni friends mostly. And old RL friends, I guess. And to play games. But in general I hate FB.
What about Twitter?
I got a Twitter, because Misha. (And now I think how many things in my life I could explain like this.) I don't really use it. Especially now that I'm not so much obsessed with Misha anymore. Usually I see the best tweets of the people I like on tumblr. And I never got into tweeting with friends. For me Twitter was always for witty short info from famous people.
I once spent a lovely afternoon following a tag of one of the conventions as it was going on. But I only once got so into it. *shrugs* In general Twitter is too fast and too limiting for me. I talk too much for it ;D
Do you blog on any other sites?
I have a Tumblr, sometimes I post something there. I have two DreamWidth accounts and I play around there, when LiveJournal is down. Besides that - no. I tried, but I've missed LJ and it turned out pointless in the end.
How often do you check in on LJ?
When do I not? I track plenty of things and obviously I have my flist opened in a tab and I refresh it more or less often. (Depending on how bored I am.)
What do you rarely or never post about?
Uh... Politics? XDDD Since I don't know anything about it? And I believe it's better to shut up than to talk about things I have no idea about? I don't know what else.
Why don't you post about that?
See above.
Have you ever thought about deleting your journal?
Not seriously, no.
Have you ever changed your username?
Why did you choose your current username?
It's an username I've been using for a long time. It started with a Merry Sue of me put in a HP story I wrote for my friends (we were all in it). Deer is taken in a very round about way from my surname and I honestly don't know where Andrea came from. I then added second name and things to it, but it doesn't really matter. The first name and last stuck. And I have no idea how I came up with Andrea and it bugs me sometimes, because Andy turned out to be so perfect for me. Now I actually prefer to go by Andy than my actual RL name. Some friends indulge me ;)
If you're looking for new friends, how do you find them?
I always have problem with this XD Lately friending memes. Sometimes I add someone after we get into a comment conversation somewhere. (I've met one of my best friends this way, so it isn't bad, really.) And of course, I added
morganoconner after we got talking about how well Sam Winchester would look in a collar. XD Plenty of weird ways to make friends here XD
Are you taking new people on to your Friends List just now?
Yes! Especially since plenty of people are no longer active on LJ! I added really a lot people this month ;D
Finally, tell us the reasons why you keep an online journal.
I'm a closeted attention whore. It's harder to see in RL, but it's obvious if you know me, I think. I don't really want attention on me all the time, but online journal always wins with my paper journal, because there is that thought that someone might be reading. Someone might care enough to read just to check what I've been up to. And it's a good feeling for me.
Also, my paper journal doesn't come with shiny icons.