Title relevant to everything except for this post. (Or maybe this post as well.)
You know, when I didn't have the Internet and I started to study at the new Uni (so it was about 6 months since my laptop died and over a year since I had a laptop with Internet connection), I've missed talking to the people I like regularly, having easy access to texts I need to read for classes, connect with new friends, organize the paperwork, find out how to get somewhere just by googling, etc. Bascially I remembered that I used Internet for easy access to information and people.
How the hell have I forgoten that it also eats whole days and you keep on staring at the screen and scrolling or getting invested in even more fictional life of fictional characters until you finish the fic and realize you've just lost few hours? Or rather: how on Earth have I forgotten how addictive and lazy I am? I mean, seriously, those two features just make me the last person who should be given the access to the Internet. Argh! *smacks the head against the desk*
Not that I plan on bailing on the cyber-life, because I may be an addict, but... Well, no, actually I don't have anything, so I'm sticking with "fuck you, that's why". And I will try to organize myself a bit more. I think. Well, I will try! *le sigh*
In other news: stress and lack of sleep are doing miracles for me, I'm already three kilos comparing to the weight I had before mess with Alek's accident started. And one of those was dropped in the last two weeks. Yay. And here I was on the edge of the proper weight for my posture. Argh, again. When I will solve all of the more pressing problems, I am gonna work on that.
And I already am stressing way too much about those "more pressing problems", so I sure as hell am not gonna write about them. On vaguely brighter side (also known as fandom, because addictions always seem like a brighter side): I've just finished watching the first season of Community and now I earn for a study group, so the pressure of other people will actually force me to study. I'm gonna start Teen Wolf, but I'm not sure I want to, because I was thretened already with frienship ending if I don't like it and I think several de-friends would follow. Way too much pressure on that show, but I won't be able to stop my curiousity. And if I won't like it then I'm gonna fake it. (Does anyone besides me think of When Harry met Sally every time they hear that someone is gonna fake it?)
r_a_j_ka says I am Abed to her Troy. All this rambling may prove her right.
And I also did the meme, because as much as I don't feel like doing it right now.... I'd like to finish it one day. And it's important to have goals in life.
13. Favourite type of AU? (i.e. werewolves, vampires, different jobs) Did you write it (would like to)?
* Werewolf!John is my hands down favourite. (Werewolf!Lestrade however also holds a special place in my heart. XD) And I pick werewolves over vampires, because while I've read gorgeous fanfiction about vampires in this fandom, they were diamonds amount a thousands of really bad vampire fanfiction. But there was one that was worth reading every one of those bad ones. (And it had Mystrade too! And it was so good that I've read it while I was still hating Mystrade!)
*Close second is AU in which everyone is a Dom or a Sub. And there are plenty of rules they have to obay, etc. And I've read really great Johnlocks to this trope, but not so much in the Mystrade world. Which is a shame.
*And I have a soft spot for fics in which John is raising Sherlock and/or Mycroft. Nanny!John just wins me everytime. And not so much with Sherlock, because let's be serious, it's very close to canon. And cute and great as it is, it is somehow expect. But every fic about John (or anyone really) connecting with child!Mycroft? I love it instantly.
And no I haven't written any of the mentioned AUs. Which is a shame and I will work on that or at least feel bad about it. Lol.