My most often used tags: 1) meme 2) life 3) supernatural. Interpretate it any way you want. ;)
Continuation of
this meme.
001 | Send me a fandom...
Leverage. (
* Favorite character: Nate.
* Least Favorite character: ... Nate's father?
* 5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Nate/Sophie, Eliot/Hardison, Hardison/Parker, Eliot/Parker/Hardison, Sterling/Nate.
* Character I find most attractive: Eliot.
* Character I like to read/write as an asexual: Parker.
* Character I would be best friends with: Hardison.
* a random thought: Age of the geek!
* An unpopular opinion: Dunno.
* my canon OTP: Nate/Sophie.
* Non-canon OTP: OT3: Hardison/Eliot/Parker
* most badass character: Parker's "father".
* pairing I am not a fan of: Nate/Parker.
* character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Can't think of any. I'd like Parker to develop differently, but I wouldn't say they screwed her up.
* favourite friendship: The team in general, but Eliot & Parker have a special place in my heart.
* character I want to adopt or be adopted by: Eliot.
Mortal Kombat (movie) (
* Favorite character: Rayden.
* Least Favorite character: Kitana.
* 5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Rayden/Johny, Rayden/Shang Tsung, Rayden/Lu Kang, Johny/Lu Kang, Johny/Sonya.
* Character I find most attractive: Rayden.
* Character I like to read/write as an asexual: ... Lu?
* Character I would be best friends with: Lu.
* a random thought: I love Goro!
* An unpopular opinion: Uh, I liked the 1st movie better than a game. And while I always liked Sub Zero I was never as obsessed with him as most people seem to be.
* my canon OTP: Johny/Sonya
* Non-canon OTP: Rayden/Johny
* most badass character: Sonya.
* pairing I am not a fan of: Lu/Kitana.
* character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): 2nd movie.
* favourite friendship: Lu & Johny
* character I want to adopt or be adopted by: Johny.
002 | send me a ship...
Oliver/Percy. (
* when or if I started shipping it. Never.
* my thoughts: I think it's one of the weirdest pairings I've seen in this fandom.
* What makes me happy about them: Don't know, as I said, I don't ship them. I think I would like how Oliver would troll the always-serious Percy. (And now I'm thinking of them as young Mystrade, great.)
* What makes me sad about them: They are not young mystrade :( And I don't like Percy. That's why when I actually read Oliver with anyone it was with Flint.
* things done in fanfic that annoys me: D/A
* things I look for in fanfic: D/A
* My kinks: D/A
* Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Oliver/Marcus Flint & Percy/Barty Crouch Jr (I just thought of that while doing this meme and it's perfect, but it stinks of non-con.)
* My happily ever after for them: Percy becoming saner and nicer and more laid back thanks to his trolling boyfriend.
Gregson/Lestrade. (
* when or if I started shipping it. I was listening to "Study in Scarlet" audiobook. And Holmes and Watson and the plot were so BORING. And then, suddenly... Lestrade and Gregson! Bantering and anoying each other, and it all made sense. Seriously, the best part of the whole story.
* my thoughts: In BBC version I want to see female!Gregson. Because. Okay, there was a thought process that lead to this, but it's irrelevant. In general I wanted straight!Lestrade, but then I was brainwashed, so it doesn't matter now. And I still want female!Gregson.
* What makes me happy about them: They're so much alike! And their snappy arguments and rivalry is hilarious!
* What makes me sad about them: I don't have much hope for BBC giving me the Gregson I want. :(
* things done in fanfic that annoys me: There is not enough fandom for those two!
* things I look for in fanfic: Female!Gregson made me read non-con. She was a background character not involved in the non-con, she doesn't even appear, but there are hints of Lestrade/Gregson.
* My kinks: No idea, I haven't indulge in this pairing enough. But I'd love some post-case sex. Though... no, actually, that's too Johnlock. Lestron would slip in after a case and had morning, lazy sex afterwards. Also, female!Gregson. And I think some rough h/c would be good for them, but I guess that's more of a thing to look for in fics than a kink.
* Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Mycroft/Lestrade, of course. And I like single Gregson very much, but I have a soft spot for Dimmock/Gregson. (Fine, in general I have a soft spot for Dimmock, deal with it.)
* My happily ever after for them: Finding some time between cases and paperwork to relax, eat take-out and be together. (And for book canon Lestrade and Gregson: Holmes never ratling them out.)
003 | Give me a character...
Balthasar. (
* How I feel about this character: I'm sad he's dead. I liked him and his death was stupid and utterly pointless.
* All the people I ship romantically with this character: Castiel, Sam, Dean, Gabriel.
* My non-romantic OTP for this character: Gabriel. Or Castiel, really.
* My unpopular opinion about this character: I have no idea what's unpopular.
* One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Obviously, since it's SPN, I wish he'd come back. I liked that in the end he was not the one messing around with the enemies.
* my het ship: Balthasar/Meg?
* my fem/slash ship: Balthasar/Castiel.
* my OTP: None, I think.
* my OT3: Balth/Sam/Gabe.
* my cross over ship: Balthasar/Jack Harkness. (Because I have no idea and this one always works.)
* my kink: moresomes.
* a head canon fact: He had such a stupid crush, lined with overprotectiveness on Cas.