
May 11, 2012 14:29

I got a chance at new job. Call-center again, but I will be selling easier to sell things, so there's hope. 3 days of getting ready for the job and if I get pass the test, I'm in. It sounds nice so far and I've met with megan_moonlight after the first meeting, so there's hope. (Megan brings me luck in work-related things.)

On the other hand my calendar offers those quotes on the mentioned three days of training (first one is half in Polish, don't bother with trying to understand it, you English-speaking stalkers): "Keep calm and oj tam, oj tam", "If life doesn't brake you today - don't worry! It will try again tomorrow!" and "Being an asshole is part of my manly essence."

Besides that all is relatively fine. My dentist cant believe Im scared fo the dentists in general. The fact that I almost fell asleep while waiting in his office may have something to do with it. In my defence, on the first day I was shaking. Now I know the guy and I named all the machines in the room, I'm cool. (What? I'm not crazy.)

So, I'm spending my time hoping to get a job, writing about kittens and re-watching X-Files. ;)

life update

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