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jean_iris May 1 2012, 17:26:58 UTC
If you don't mind being friends with an evil Slytherin, add me! :D I'm DreamQuest11249


andrea_deer May 1 2012, 18:04:02 UTC
I'm not Gryffindor, I don't mind Slytherins :D (I don't however friend any Ravenclaws XD)


ad00absurdum May 4 2012, 11:52:22 UTC
Elitist softie Hufflepuff feeler :P If I had any more interest in Harry Potter universe I'd be rubbing my probable Ravenclaw-ness in your face.

BTW, how is the vamp-Krycek writing going? *trololol*


andrea_deer May 8 2012, 12:15:50 UTC
Do you know what's the difference between Ravenclaw and Wikipedia? People like Wikipedia.
(And this anti-Ravenclawism of mine would be more believable if I didn't know so many of them...)

It's going BADLY. As in: I got bored with it. XD But I may write some more. So far few pages A4 in my disgusting handwriting. (Which, fyi, is about same amount of pages A4 in Verdana 10. Yes, my handwriting matches my Verdana-writing, I'm rather crept out by that.) I got distracted by other things and scared by how huge this fic wants to be. But I'm re-watching X-Files with my parents, so there's hope. (One thing I love about my household are conversations that go: "There's nothing on tv for the whole evening!" "So.... X-files?" "... Can you make that episode about cockroaches work?" "I can try.")

(Bambi decided not to co-operate. So we watched Aqua Mala instead, which I love.)


ad00absurdum May 10 2012, 09:57:34 UTC
How could you get bored with vamp-Krycek? How could you? Watch "Sleepless" or "Tunguska"/"Terma" or "The Red and the Black" and get the hell back to writing. Also, I want a huge fic, just so you know.

LOL, your household wins in that respect.


andrea_deer May 11 2012, 11:24:12 UTC
I wouldn't get bored with him if I was reading about him. As both me and CSM know: writing is hard. Especially when you suck at it. And it's kind of fanfiction that requires thinking and lots of writing and I'd rather write a fluffy drabble about kittens, because I'm awesome like that. But don't loose your hope. I want to believe I'll manage to finish it one day.

Also, we went wild. We're watching all. Full re-watch. (Well, for me, parents join in for episodes they've missed.) ("I'm watching Ice, wanna watch with me?" "Which one is it." "They're stuck out in the cold and have a warm in the neck." "Oh. Nah, I've watched it recently, not my fave.") (This family is crazy, sometimes in a good way.)


ad00absurdum May 11 2012, 11:31:46 UTC
Yeah, I want to believe too. Will be bugging you about the fic from time to time anyway.

I'm rewatching the whole series as well - got stuck in the middle of the 4th season because RL is unfortunately and totally uncooperatively busy.


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