(no subject)

Jan 19, 2012 15:36


Real life is a busy, busy mess right now, but while it didn't exactly get easier (maybe, in some aspects, it's really hard to tell), I got un-stuck from the down moods I was stuck in. Weird as it might be it actually does make everything better. Because, while everything is, as mentioned, a busy mess, I have faith that I will manage it. And that if I don't I will still, somehow, survive.
Believe me, when I tell you it is a high improvement.


I did not come here to talk to you about real life! (Because it's boring and far less important.) I did not even come here to talk to you about the BBC Anderson Sherlock (but I will, soon enough). I came here to talk about...

I signed-up for two already and expressed my readiness to take part in the third. And on top of that I also joined a remix challenge*. :D I wanted to advertise the challenges and warn you that there may be more posts about that topic soon enough**.

* I can hear you, megan_moonlight and I will finish editing your Rayden/Krycek fic first. Cross my heart and hope to die.
** Yes, I will finish dealing with my bachelor thesis before I start working on any of those challenges. Gosh, you're worse than my mother.

1) queer-bigbang click HERE for full schedule and more information.

January 15 - June 14: Sign-ups for writers.
April 1: Halfway check-point.
June 15: Rough drafts and Summaries are due.

Any stories that deal with the experience of being queer. For the purpose of this fest, that includes stories about lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, genderqueer, asexual, intersex, and transgender characters.

Not only is this fun, because you can write a whole bigbang (10,000 words here) dealing with queer topics and nobody's gonna be like: whuuuut? but why so much about queers and so little explosions/monsters/aliens/sex?***

But also, because:

"All fandoms, crossovers, and original fiction is allowed, including RPF."

And I know I have plenty of fandom hipsters on my flist who really, really want to write some bigbangs to fandoms nobody ever heard of. Or make cross-overs that will make our heads spin****.

*** Although I for one highly encourage lots of queer mixed with lots of explosions/monsters/aliens/sex.
**** More than the cross I seem to have decided to write. Blame Sherlock 2x03, I really have planned for writing Supernatural!

2) Obviously spn_j2_bigbang.

You must sign-up to participate by February 1.

Your first draft (20,000 words minimum) must be completed and turned in with a summary, story warnings and final title by May 1.

This one is so classic it doesn't need much advertisment. My only problem is that I plan (sort of) Supernatural fanfiction for queer_bigbang as well. And to be honest I'm not sure I can manage two fics in this fandom so long and so concentrated on Sam. I mean, it's Sam. My brain may explode. No longer a problem. :D

3) And once again, xf_bigbang.

Though here I only said I'm ready if they need me. They're planning some changes to make it newer and cooler, it may be fun. Check it out.

I'm waiting 'till they decide on the final form, but I would wish to finally finish my Krycek/Mulder vampire fic for this.

+ 1) sherlock_remix click HERE to sign up and learn all the info you may need.

Last time it was fun. More for seeing my story remixed than remixing others, but I'm lovely egocentric like this. Anyway, I signed up saying I will willingly remix anything that doesn't include non-con or Irene Adler, so I'm sort of terrfied of what I will in fact get. (I did mention that the more Anderson the better, but it hadn't helped much last year.)

My current plot bunnies include: "gay threesome with incest, blasphemy and healing dream-sex", "a mortician, doctor and a cat travels", "demisexual/asexual (b)romance of an antichrist and angel" and "one-handed gay vampire". Do you love me now? Now, that I can dance!

sherlock, doctor who, bigbang, life's boring, supernatural, x-files

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