(no subject)

May 28, 2011 15:58

Day Twenty-Nine: A female-centric fic rec.

I looked through all my notes with fics to rec and came up with this list. Fair warning: I started writing down the rec notes not so long ago, so there are few or none fic recs from my older fandoms. Fair warning number two: You will soon notice I treated this "female-centric" thing rather loosely, so: pay attention to the warnings. Enjoy! :)

TITLE: Chemical Agents
AUTHOR(S): Ratadder and Queen Mab
PAIRING(S): Mulder/Krycek, Skinner/Scully
WARNINGS: blood, bit of angst and torture, weird government experiments
SUMMARY: Scully gets kidnapped, but escapes along with Krycek, who is in much worse shape than she is. Together they get to the safe house, where Mulder and Skinner completely misunderstand their current alliance. (Summary wrote by me just now and it was awhile since I've read the story XD)

WHY THIS SHOULD BE READ: First and most of all, because it's one of the best M/K fics I've ever read. Why it is recced here however is another thing. You see, I am rather picky about fics with Scully, because she is rarely well portrayed in slash fics in my opinion. This one though is absolutely amazing about this. Scully remains in character, while actually helping Krycek and on the way gets some romance of her own. She's absolutely stunning here and that's why this fic is so spectacular. [Note: There are few other fics with well written Scully in a slash fic, but this one was my first of this sort and favorite and I had it written down in my rec notes, so thise one gets recced. :P]

HAVE A LITTLE TASTE OF IT: "Scully," his voice sounded like it hurt to talk, and she winced.
"Yes, Alex?"
"Thas nice."
"Alllll-x. Nice."
"Alex is nice?" ::Just keep him talking.::
He made a sound somewhere between a snort and a laugh. "Nooo. Nonono. Alex isn't nice. 'M not nice 't'all. No. You using Alex. Nice."
Finally realization dawned, just in time to make her almost trip over a root.
"Me calling you Alex is nice?"
"You like that, hunh? Okay, fine, *Alex*. Whatever keeps you moving."
"'Kay, Dana."
"Hey. Who said you could call me Dana?" she snapped.
"'S only fair."

TITLE: Heart Toward the Highway
AUTHOR: valiant
WARNINGS: AU, pre-series, cross-gen (Jo is 18), clothes fetishy, light Daddy kink, dirty talk, abuse of pet names, a lot of smut. Does not directly deal with events noted in 206/214 or 419.
SUMMARY: Jo, fresh out of high school, has left home and wound up on the road with John, trying to learn the ropes from someone who isn't exactly sharing and caring. John, distant and impatient, isn't really a partner, friend, or role model -- which means that Jo's gotta get all stupid and hot for him. Their stoic apprenticeship starts to unravel as Jo starts to run out of clothes and John can't ignore her anymore.

WHY THIS SHOULD BE READ: Well, mostly because it's the best fic I could rec for my favorite SPN het couple. Also, I adore Jo here, she's well written and for me much more interesting than she was in her first episodes of Supernatural.

HAVE A LITTLE TASTE OF IT:It's when Jo gets pissed that she gets determined and an unholy fire lights itself under her stupid ass. She stomps out of their room at the Lake View Motel with her slouching messenger bag slung over her shoulder, and it feels just like when she stomped out the front door of the Roadhouse and yelled over her shoulder at her mother, You can't stop me!

Except this time, there's no one there to yell at.

TITLE: Nephilim
AUTHOR: savorvrymoment
PAIRING: female!Sam/Gabriel
WARNINGS: pregnancy, fem!sam
SUMMARY: And if she’s pregnant-and who is she kidding, she knows she is-it’s going to be half-human, half-angel. The very thing Gabriel had killed off all those years ago.

WHY THIS SHOULD BE READ: BECAUSE THERE'S NEVER ENOUGH OF GOOD FEM!SAM FICS! And also, because it is a nice change of view on Gabriel/Sam and it's adorable with just a bt of angst to make it more adorable. ♥

HAVE A LITTLE TASTE OF IT:She can remember thinking about how ridiculous it all was then, how unassuming Gabriel could be with his floppy hair and red silk boxers. But suddenly, she’s three weeks behind on her period, and she’s sick as a dog. And if she’s pregnant-and who is she kidding, she knows she is-it’s going to be half-human, half-angel.


The very thing Gabriel had killed off all those years ago.

TITLE: My Life as It's Meant to Be
AUTHOR: bittersweet325
SUMMARY: It was memories strung together by doorways and hallways. Awareness in Heaven wasn't the gift it should have been, but there was a moment when suddenly John knew he was dead

WHY THIS SHOULD BE READ: Well, for one it's another great John/Jo. Also, I am reccing this, because it was written for my prompt (John/Jo: When he finally got to heaven he did expect to meet his soulmate. There was no Mary though. He waited for the mother of his other son, but she hadn't come to him either. Eventually Jo did. And he doesn't know if he should feel guilty, sad or just so very, very grateful.) and I'm very happy with this fill. ♥

HAVE A LITTLE TASTE OF IT:It wasn't Mary. It wasn't Kate. It was the last person he expected. One second he'd been in the old house in Lawrence and the next he was standing in the middle of the Roadhouse. It was something that hadn't been there before, not in his Heaven.

TITLE: The Number Is
AUTHOR: randombattlecry
PAIRING: Jim/Molly/evil= OT3
SUMMARY: At the Fox. About six o’clock. A conversation happens. (This could be more, if she wanted it to be more, if she made it more. It could be something beyond a workplace in common and secrets and a shared affinity for furry creatures and the fact that her favorite shirt wasn’t just hiding in the closet after all.)

WHY THIS SHOULD BE READ: Because as much as I love the good Molly, the evil Molly or the good Molly tempted by the evil, just have so much potential! And Jim in this fic is spectacular too!

HAVE A LITTLE TASTE OF IT:“Don’t,” she said, fierce for the briefest of moments, fierce and biting. “Stop it, Jim. Talk to me. And don’t call me that.”

His features froze; he went very still. When they thawed out, a smile curved the corner of his mouth upwards, and his eyes narrowed as his grin steadily sharpened.

“Very good,” he said. “I approve of that. Determination. Evidence of strong will. It’s a complete departure from the Molly I’m used to, but schizophrenia looks good on you.” He nodded. His eyes were speculative. “I like it.”

TITLE: Of Dubious And Inconsistent Name
AUTHOR: thistle_kisses
RATING: PG-13? Some references to sex and violence.
PAIRING: references to Mycroft/Anthea if you squint.
SUMMARY: The story of Anthea, whose name really is not Anthea.

WHY THIS SHOULD BE READ: Because it crept into my brain, stole my headcanon of Anthea being Irene Adler and used it in a brilliant story.

HAVE A LITTLE TASTE OF IT:“Now. I believe we need to discuss the matter of your blackmailing a head of state.”

“You make it sound so trashy,” Irene purred, and there was a hint of black humour in it, meant for only her appreciation. She knew it was trashy, Mycroft realised. And she hadn’t planned on letting anyone else into it.

“Somewhere private,” he said suddenly, and her head jerked up slightly, sending chestnut waves tumbling. Surprise and slight annoyance were clearly marked on her features.

“Shoo-er,” she said instead of ‘sure’, “how about my hotel ro-”

“Somewhere you’re going to be honest with me.”

A perfectly-plucked and dark-tinted eyebrow rose, very slowly. “Oh, Mr Holmes, I think we’re going to have to travel a while for that.”

TITLE: Prompt Fill
PAIRING: some eventual Sherlock/Molly
SUMMARY/PROMPT: After John moves out to go live with Mary (his future canon wife, FYI) Sherlock begins to randomly turn up in Molly's apartment. At first he passes it off as merely needing to steal her food/tea, but eventually his stuff starts migrating over and then he's all "My flat? 221b is my laboratory, now. See, Toby's on top of the Union Jack pillow and everything. I totally live here now." Molly's reaction is entirely up to you.

WHY THIS SHOULD BE READ: Because Molly is adorable and so is Sherlock. That plus Toby means more adorableness than you can take. Also, Molly is really well written here, has great character and this fic is hilarious at some points, sad at others and completely amazing in general. (And it has the best drunk!Molly ever.)

HAVE A LITTLE TASTE OF IT:“I’m a spinster Sherlock! I might as well embrace spinsterhood and move into a cottage in the country far away from civilization so I won’t scare the children. Who said you’re gay?”
"You just did."
"You are a bit gay-ish."
"But that’s fine…it’s fine…it’s all fine. I mean, it’s a bit sexy."
"Sherlock, tell the room to stop spinning..."
When she woke up, it was three in the afternoon. She really hoped that her saying to Sherlock "You smell nice and your trousers are beautiful" had been a dream.

TITLE: he saved the last dance for me
RATING: R-ish?
PAIRING: Jim/Molly, Jim/Seb
SUMMARY/PROMPT: Molly is Moran.

WHY THIS SHOULD BE READ: Because Sebastian Moran being Molly Hooper is made of awesomness, kittens and explosions, true story.

HAVE A LITTLE TASTE OF IT: “Wonderful,” he murmurs, sickeningly fond. “Anything; it is yours.”

You stop, closing your eyes against his ministrations, and you think. A minute passes before you look at him again, and then, “Take this body,” you say, “it feels wrong on me.”

“Of course.” He kisses your cheek. “Anything.”

PAIRING: Mycroft/Anthea
SUMMARY/PROMPT: Mycroft/anyone, orgasm control and denial.

WHY THIS SHOULD BE READ: Because dom!Anthea/sub!Mycroft shouldn't work half as well as it does. And because porn is good.

HAVE A LITTLE TASTE OF IT:12:41 - call Director of FBI.
12:57 - masturbate to edge of orgasm.
13:00 - call me.

TITLE: Equivalence
AUTHOR: introductory
PAIRING: Anthea/Mycroft
SUMMARY: Sometimes you're Anthea, sometimes you're Anthony, but you're always still you.

WHY THIS SHOULD BE READ: I can already see everyone complaining how I turned the "fem centric fic rec" into "gender bender, trans, gender queer and het porn fic rec", but I don't really care. Gender-fluid Not!Anthea is amazingly well written in this fic and to be honest it was a reason why I read it, why I loved it however is because I think it's the cutest, most amazing Mycroft/Anthea ever.

HAVE A LITTLE TASTE OF IT: Gradually, the closet in your flat begins to split: neatly divided like that of a married couple, one side hers, one side his, a row of delicate blouses across from starched shirts. The harmony pleases you in a way you can't define, the two halves complementing each other perfectly. Each item is quietly stylish and extremely well-crafted: you're expected to look your best at all times, no matter which one of you shows up to the office on that particular day. Appearances are everything, after all.

SEQUEL/REMIX: Distinction by lizzledpink. Same story, but from Mycroft's POV.

TITLE: Tessellation
PAIRING: Mycroft/'Anthea'
WARNINGS: mentions of sex and violence, odd angst, odd fluff, general oddness.
SUMMARY: They're married, most of the time.

WHY THIS SHOULD BE READ: Because it's amazing story about not so easy relationship between Mycroft and Anthea. And because Mycroft and Anthea are absolutely briliant.

HAVE A LITTLE TASTE OF IT: “So. Will you marry me?” Anthea asks again, bright and calm.

“It would be an honour,” says Mycroft, and they share a smile.

TITLE: Satisfaction With Two
PAIRING: Mycroft/Fem!John/Sherlock
WARNINGS: threesome, incestous, OT3 porn
SUMMARY/PROMPT: "She's floating in the afterglow, so wet, slick down her thighs when Sherlock goes down on her, delicate licks, broad ones, sucking merciless on her clit, lapping up the mingled juices of her and his brother. Mycroft touching her, kissing her, watching, touching, touching, holding, whispering, pouring loving filth in her ear." The Holmes' team up to woo Girl!John after growing sick and tired of watching her waste her time on the odious pitiful lack-wits she's too good for. Then of course the SEX. The possessive bastards decide they'll surpass everyone she's ever had, ever fantasized about and proceed to blow her mind(with orgasms).

WHY THIS SHOULD BE READ: Because it's a very good porn.

HAVE A LITTLE TASTE OF IT: "Well obviously, they didn't satisfy you," Sherlock scoffed, flicking through another page of some sort of chemistry journal, it made Joan want to march over and yank on his hair, just to see his expression.

"She's somewhat satisfied," said Mycroft,trying to be fair with exaggerated effort, and under his gaze Joan felt stripped, scrutinized, as he had the somewhat unfair benefit of understanding complex human emotion compared to Sherlock's understanding of everything else. "But not enough for her tastes, I imagine."

Joan suppressed the urge to chuck the Thai to the floor (Jesus, why was she still standing there holding it?), and somehow found herself uttering, "Oh? And I suppose you two could do loads better?"

And suddenly, that appeared to be what the two of them were waiting for. Sherlock sat up straight, a gleam in his eye that Joan usually associated with being on the edge of solving a case. Mycroft merely smiled.

"Would you be willing to test such a hypothesis, Joan?"

TITLE: Say My Name
AUTHOR: etothepii
PAIRING: Anthea/John
SUMMARY: After the Pool Incident, as she's been mentally calling it in her head, Mycroft assigns her to monitoring his brother's website, which is how she finds herself reading through his boyfriend's blog.

WHY THIS SHOULD BE READ: John/Anthea is so adorable and there's not enough of this pairing. Also: Anthea's blog ♥

HAVE A LITTLE TASTE OF IT: "You didn't remember me?" he sounds hurt -- genuinely hurt, not faking it, and also confused.
"Sorry," she says. "It's not personal. I can't recognize faces. It's a medical condition. I was born with it."
John rocks back on his heels as he digests this thought. "So you can't --" he waves a hand at himself, "recognize me?"
"Not by your face," she agrees. "And you changed your hair, so." She shrugs. "It helps if you use the name I gave you -- you're the only one who has Anthea, so if you call me by name, I can recognize you."
"Oh! Is that why you gave me a fake name?"
"Mostly." But also because it's fun.

TITLE: Shopping List - June
AUTHOR: aslipperysloth
PAIRING: Sarah/'Anthea' (as written by John H. Watson)
WARNING: Poor writing
SUMMARY: Written for the prompt on the Sherlock kink meme here: John secretly writes femslash. Possibly about Sarah and 'Anthea'.

WHY THIS SHOULD BE READ: To make you love all the betas even more than you already should. And because John is a horrible writer and deserves to be mocked (with love).

HAVE A LITTLE TASTE OF IT: Then she set aside her mobile and straightened her posture, pushing her tits breasts out. (Tits. Consider your readership. You’re writing pornography, not aiming for a Booker Prize.)

TITLE: Mysterious Ways
AUTHOR: sc010f
PAIRING(S): Mycroft/Molly, Jim, Lestrade, John/Sherlock, Anthea
WARNINGS: Sexual content.
SUMMARY: After Jim, Molly finds that life continues to be interesting.

WHY THIS SHOULD BE READ: You mean besides the fact that every Mycroft/Molly should be read and loved? Well, Molly is awesome. And Mycroft is a perfect mix between the lovable guy and emotionless politician, which is always a plus and a hard thing to achieve.

HAVE A LITTLE TASTE OF IT: "Molly," Mycroft cut in, "I… this is unusual for me to do - I am not a man who usually has the time or the inclination, but would you like to join me for a cup of tea in the near future?"
"You're having tea now," Molly pointed out, and could have kicked herself.
"So you observe," Mycroft replied, "but I rather think that I would enjoy taking tea, if you will, with you outside of the confines of the St Bartholomew's Hospital canteen. If, however, you are not amenable to such a suggestion…"
"No!" cried Molly a bit too loudly and tried to cover it with a giggle. "I'd… love to have coffee, or tea, with you."
Mycroft smiled. Molly decided it was a rather charming smile.

TITLE: Gravid
AUTHOR: blind_author
PAIRING: Sherlock/Girl!John (Joan)
RATING: Probably M/15+
WARNINGS: Very medical discussions of pregnancy, also violence and implied sex.
SUMMARY: Another kinkmeme prompt (I really need to stay away from that site...) Sherlock and girl!John (Joan) get together. A few months down the line Reichenbach Falls happens. Turns out that Joan was pregnant and she never got to tell him. Sherlock defeats the rest of Moriarty's organisation in only a few months. The day he arrives back in London is actually the day that Joan is in labour. Established Sherlock/girl!John, so...technically het, but still feels like slash in my brain.

WHY THIS SHOULD BE READ: Because if there's one character more BAMF than John Watson it's Joan Watson.

HAVE A LITTLE TASTE OF IT: That wasn't a false contraction.
“I mean, I was watching you,” Moran continued. “I kept expecting him to contact you...and he finally did. That old man on the bus? That was him. I thought you knew, but apparently it...” he burst into spasms of laughter, “...it slipped right past you.”
Joan was barely paying attention. She'd deal with her heartbreak later - right now, she was in labour!

meme: 30 days, sherlock (bbc), rec, fanfiction, meme, supernatural, x-files

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