(no subject)

May 07, 2011 00:42

Day Fourteen: Favorite older female character.

First of all define "older". I was considering MacGonagall here or Mrs. Hudson, but in the end decided I am far more obsessed with Madeline lately, so here she is :D

I tested my "gaydar" here and I was shocked. XD (And proud.)

75% You personally got 15 of the 20 people correct and were better at recognizing girls than guys. Overall, you guessed better than 74% of all test takers.

And a character Meme from megan_moonlight.

Reply and I'll give you four fandoms. Then tell us about your favorite character from each fandom (you can elaborate on the character if you wish).

megan_moonlight gave me Leverage, The X-Files, Will&Grace and Sherlock.

will and grace, meme: 30 days, sherlock (bbc), burn notice, meme, leverage, x-files, friend:megan_moonlight

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