I've been sort of weird and on and off lately, so I thought some of you may like an update.
- I'm trying to magic up some money, because no matter how much I count I do not have enough. I will keep on counting, though.
- K., my flatmate, finally had a final fight with the owner of the flat and she's moving out. I'm staying here and am not 100% sure the
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Em... good look with the thesis? XD
Ja na razie przygotowuję się do prezentacji maturalnej *ugh* Mam ochotę uderzyć ścianę, która ogólnie nic mi nie zrobiła i nie powinnam się na niej wyżywać. ale cóż.
Good luck with matura presentation! And seriously, don't stress over it, nobody cares about it anyway. (Okay, that came out wrong XD I just mean: do your best, but if something goes wrong it's not gonna ruin anything, right?)
BUT JOHN ALWAYS WINS AT EVERYTHING. Is it weird that I can quote this episode? I love John Barrowman. He's totally awesome. And he has an incredibly cute husband XDDD "Black lady touches homosexual on television!", "With white man in the middle!" XDDD I'm very glad you see John's awesomeness now!
"Let's have a gay-off! Ready? Lips pursed, hands on the table, and go!" Sorry, couldn't help it. Now I feel the need to re-watch first two seasons of Torchwood XDDD or at least Jack's appearances on DW.
Yeah, at least I have an interesting subject. Though I still hate being forced to talk about something. I just want it all to be over. 5 more exams to go *le sigh*
"I haven't even told my mom yet!" XDDD ( ... )
Okay, keep that up and I'll start writing tons of comments about how awesome John is. I don't want to spam you with the comments, dude.
*hugs back* Ugh, I'm not afraid of my oral English exam, I'm not a fraid of my Russian oral exam, but I really, really am nervous about te Polish one. Seems pretty stupid when I think about it. But you know wat I do to relax? I keep asking myself "What would John do?" that and "What would Mycroft do?" XDDD Seems to work so far!
You do have Torchwood, right? Duh, do you even have to ask ( ... )
Duh, I'll get back to watching Mark Sheppard's Doctor Who appearance. I really am obsessed. And after that I might re-watch 1.12 of Torchwood XDDDD
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