I should be studying right now. And if not, I should be writing. Actually, the plan for today involved both, but hey, look at that, it's 6PM and I had done nothing. Well, I made dinner. That's one productive thing I managed. yay. Instead of being productive like I should I got addicted to
vlogbrothers' videos and spend my time on you.tube. (Very smart.) And when I do not I stalk funny memes on tumblr. (Like Lit Major Lemur who I think lives in my brain.) I'm also obsessed with weird/funny pics so expect more of those in my entries, fair warning. I'll try to make sure they're not too big.
Okay, time to go reading. Books not fics. It's an important distinction.
PS. I'm very slowly working on promised picspams. I forgot how much I suck at making picspams.