30 Days Memes - Day 05

May 23, 2010 21:16

Day 05 - A show you hate

Why, would you ask? Because I like fantasy shows. And I really hate when I try to introduce people to Supernatural or The X-Files and they tell me: "It's weird and too complicated, but it doesn't mean I don't like fantasy shows! I like Charmed!" *bangs head against a wall* I almost wait for them to say they also like Sabrina, The Teenage Witch! and that's supposed to be a proof of their great love for fantasy shows as well!

Sorry, to all Charmed fans. I just find this show stupid. *shrugs* I'm sure it has its good sides. I can think of two already: 1) one ep I saw gave me a plot-bunny for XF fic 2) Misha Collins played in one ep... He acted retarded, but still looked like him, so... *shrugs*

Also: I decided to pick a show I actually hate, but is kind of in my alley. Instead of picking for the hundredth time on soup operas or CSI.

Day 05 › Your favorite quote

I had like dozens. Yeah, I know I stopped posting quotes, but it doesn't change the fact there's lots of them I love. Every year (for past 3 years) I buy a calendar-notebook in which I write a quote for everyday. Because quotes in the calendars that are sold with them are retarded. Often "my" quotes in the calendar aren't something great and meaningful, sometimes just dialouges from tv-shows. But I like them and that's what counts. I also often create my own aphorisms. BUT! Basically I wanted to say: choice was hard so I post the quote I'm lately obsessed with. (I even put it on my wall, along with others). It isn't really anything special, but makes me smile every time and is a good thing to read in the morning.

There is this thought I have sometimes up here: "Should I say something serious?" Then I think, no. No.
Virtual cookies to everyone who knows, who said that. ;)


tv-shows, misha collins, quote

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