Since I know how annoying can be the option of LJ letting you know, when somebody defriends you, I'm telling you I sort of cleaned up my friends list. Mostly of people who defriended me or never friended me back and I decided one-sided LJ relationship is not good enough. So it probably won't affect anyone who actually cares enoough to read this entry, but whatever. I wanted to play fair, so to speak. If I defriended you and you'd like to be back on my flist, leave a comment here. Or if you just want me to add you and you've been stalking my LJ. Stalkers are always welcome.
Hm. Also, fair warning (lol) I won't post any quotes today (lucky you), because I have no idea lately and I don't want to think something really stupid. Mostly, because I was thinking really hard to come up with something for last few quotes. *sigh*
Besides that I wanted to say my Polish side of flist, I will post links to fics I wrote for
multifandom_pl soon, but probably not before the weekend. Yeah, I know you're just dying to read my things.
And last thing (sorry for the multitopic here) I'm going to make a Fanmix (for
help_chile) and it's supposed to be Draco/Hermione, kinda angsty. And I was wondering it anyone has any (preferably one-shot or short) recs of fics like that? So I could get in to the spirit of things, so to speak? I'd be really greatful.
I'm not really in great mood lately, so to avoid emo, I'll not talk about RL. But nothing is ovelry tragical. Or really bad at all. Just bad mood and annoying reality. ;-)