First of all big thanks to the people who responded to my posts when I was asking for help. I said it a thousand times before, but I'm gonna say it again: I love my flist.
Now, onto the other topic. Lately I was bothered by some people to start an account on sth else than LJ. Let me tell you that I hate the mare idea and stright out refuse to start any other journal, even if only as a back-up plan. On the other hand I'm being scared by lots of people with visions: but what about the day when LJ crash? Like completely? And won't come to life again?! I still like to believe those are awfully pessimistic visions that will never ever come true, but I did start an account on sth else. *shrugs* Just so I won't feel like I'm disapearing when - all higher powers forbid - LJ will die.
I suppose my choice of sites is not the greatest, but what the hell XD I refuse to have something too much like LJ, because I feel bad about trying to find some replacement. (I know I'm sick, don't call the psychiatrist.)
SO! (Yes, it may surprise you, but I was actually getting to the point here.) I have now myspace: and a twitter: (for which I blame Misha, 'cause honestly I had to follow his twitter even if this side still makes me feel like some sick stalker) Feel free to friend me, comment me, follow me or whatever you may do on those sites. I doubt I'll be too active there anyway, but whatever. In case of LJ emergency you know where else you can find me :)
PS. And you know what most shocked me on Twitter? I mean sure, I love some of the updates of the people I follow, but what I really looked was that most of them didn't bother with changing the layouts all that much and just picked one of the proposed by the Twitter. And all that's cool, I did just the same. The question is: Did I really had to pick the sam CMM did? XD And did I had to notice that AFTER the fact?! XD