Just to try to wake up my creativity that dies underneath the exams, I attempted again at this challenge:
1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn your music player on and turn it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabblet/ficlet related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of
the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it's over. No
lingering afterward! No matter how whacked out your drabble is. :)
4. Do ten of these, then post them.
But this time all about one character. Of course, I failed, but whatever. Here I present you
six, pretty whacked drabbles with Dana Scully as a main character of them all. Enjoy!
(Fair warning: one's in Polish).
Title: Sexy Strangers In The Night. (Supernatural/X-Files Crossover)
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Scully.
Rating: R (mostly to be safe, I think).
Spoilers: none.
Warnings: het, mentions of sex, SPN/XF crossover.
Words: 117.
Beta: NONE!
Prompt/Song: Jeanette - Rock My Life
Her life was in complete order. Every part of it that she had any influence
whatsoever over was perfectly and neatly catalogued and planned. And she sometimes
enjoyed rebelling against it.
Somehow a sex in the back alley of the bar seemed like a good idea. She didn't
exactly remember why, but there just was something about this handsome, young guy in
leather jacket. A bit dangerous, a bit adorable with his pouty lips. One crooky smile and
she was gone. Thank god he didn't ask her to chase aliens with him. 'Cause she would
probably just say yes.
Just like she did to a proposition of repeating the experience on the back seat of
his car.
Title: Hold Me Grounded.
Characters/Pairings: Mulder, Scully.
Rating: Gen.
Spoilers: Some to "One Breath" perhaps.
Warnings: I'm afraid some may see M/S shipperism in it.
Words: 120.
Beta: NONE!
Prompt/Song: Rod Steward - I Am Sailing
She still sometimes have those dreams. She sits on the boat... Or sometimes
she lies down, watching the sky. Feeling as if she was flying.
She's enjoying the feeling. She feels free. But in the same time, she's absolutely
terrified her boat will drift too far away from the land and she'll never be able to come
back. Something tells her she's not allowed to look at the rope that ties her to the small,
wooden bridge. It's probably just the old true that you shouldn't constantly look if you're
afraid of something. It just doesn't help.
And yet, sometimes, the fear is too great and she has to look. And she smiles
then, seeing Mulder holding the rope tightly.
Title: Lonely Rebel.
Characters/Pairings: Scully, mentions of her family.
Rating: GEN.
Spoilers: some suggested.
Warnings: angst-y.
Words: 137.
Beta: NONE!
Prompt/Song: Black Crowes - She Talks To Angels
When she was younger she was a rebel. She went to study, took part in strikes
and parades, wore inappropriate clothes and made every possible career choice that was
frowned at in her family. She kept on saying her family doesn't know her and doesn't
understand her. Few times she lied she has no family. It was easier that way, then.
She doubts anyone in her family could've understand her now. Could really know
her. She lived through too many things that she's unable to understand herself.
Sometimes she doubts anyone will ever again be able to really get to know her, even if
she craves it with every fibber of her being. She's further away from her family then ever.
And yet she'd give up all memories of rebellion just to see them all once
Tytuł: A on był dla niej jak młody bóg...
Postacie/Pary: Mulder, Scully, niedoczekanie wasze, ale drobne hinty
przyszłego-niedoszłego Mulder/Scully.
Rating: PG-13 (mostly to be safe, I think).
Spojlery: Teoretycznie można uznać, że do zakończenia 7 sezonu.
Ostrzeżenia: leciutko angstowo, punk widzenia obcego człowieka (tak, obcego
człowieka, nie obcego, bec obaw xD), kiepskie użycie języka ojczystego autorki, która z
rzadka w nim fiki pisze.
Words: 162.
Beta: NONE!
Prompt/Piosenka: Raz Dwa Trzy - Oczy Tej Małej
Państwo Figner mieszkają obok najbardziej nietypowej sąsiadki w całym ich
bloku. Agentka FBI, zawsze uśmiechająca się miło i często zmęczona lub poraniona.
Zawsze pełna energii niewazne, czy idzie zbawiać świat swą odznaką, czy idzie do sklepu
po mrożone warzywa na samotny obiad. Zawsze ta sama dumna postawa.
Państwo Figner widzieli jej rodziców. Widzieli jak wynosili jej nieprzytomną
siostrę. Widzieli i mieli dość jej jazgoczącego pieska.
Pan Figner uważa, że agentka Scully jest piękna i cudowna i szkoda, że nie
może znaleźć sobie męża.
Pani Figner widzi agenta Muldera i wie, że sytuacja nie jest taka prosta. Widzi jak
razem współpracują. Widzi jak poważna, dumna postawa agentki załamuje się, gdy jej
partner znika. Pani Figner tłumaczy to mężowi.
Pan Figner uważa, że to słodkie i że w końcu mogliby się pobrać i narobić
małych, słodkich i inteligentnych dzieci.
Pani Figner widziała spojrzenia jakimi obdarzają się agenci i usiłuje wytłumaczyć
mężowi, że to nie takie proste. I raczej nie ułoży się po jego myśli.
Title: There's got be rational explanation.
Characters/Pairings: Skinner/Scully, mentions of Mulder.
Rating: PG-13 (mostly to be safe, I think).
Spoilers: None, I think.
Warnings: you may see some angst, also: het. Some more insane may see
some unplanned slash (I did after re-reading it XD But I'm sick.)
Words: 141.
Beta: NONE!
Prompt/Song: Garbage - Why Do You Love Me
After few years Scully was willing to give up and admit that the only person that
ever will be able to love her is Mulder. He knows her better than she knows herself. He
hates all her faults, but loves them at the same time. And he always had more faults, so
he's no innocent here. That's sad, but she really believed they're stuck together, because
absolutely no one else would be able to live with them.
She still doesn't get how Walter fit himself in this mess. She sees his worried
glances whenever she's going on a case. She sees his appreciating glances whenever...
whenever he sees her, actually unless he's absolutely mad at Mulder and they're on the
Mulder. Sometimes she thinks it's all to keep watching Mulder. Most of the times
she's willing to live with it.
Title: Perfect, Sweet and So Unreal.
Characters/Pairings: mentioned OMC/Scully, kid; Scully, Mulder.
Rating: Gen?
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: If you look close enough you may see angst. I see fluff, but I see fluff
Words: 96.
Beta: NONE!
Prompt/Song: Mika - Lollipop
In the perfect, dreamed reality Scully would spend Sunday afternoons with her
husband that just brought theirs oldest son from baseball practice, while theirs daughter
was playing in the garden and Scully was finishing some boring reports for Monday. They'd
eat dinner, laughing and talking and kids would beg for more of the perfect, homemade
In not-so-perfect, sometimes pretty surreal reality Mulder and Scully are eating
theirs second portion of chocolate ice-creams, while Mulder talks about government plans
of drugging them all through chocolate. And they both try to fit last alien-hunt into theirs