How sick is that I downloaded this episode an hour ago and didn't start watching it yet? XD
Well, cause, you see, when I'll start watching it, it will finally end and that way I still have fresh unseen episode of Supernatural on my disc. XD Yeah, I know, I'm sick and addicted and I’m living through the famous dilemma: eat the cake or have the cake?
Okay. I'm watching. I used every excuse not to watch and now I'm watching.
Dean.... How can they do this to me? It's not 5 minutes into the show and I already want to hug
him. You know, you all people who are against emo!Dean how you call him? Get lost. This guy has
every damn right to be as broken as he is and he sure is holding up better than could've been
expected. So lay off of him! He's got hell, heaven and an antichrist brother to deal with, he really
doesn't need a bunch of pissed off fans. I always liked emo!sam, because I believed it works for
Sam, but he was never as heart-breaking as emo!Dean is.
And he sure is funnier, when he wants to be, than Sam was while on his emo faze.
OMG, Dean totally understanding the story about angels watching over someone and Sam persistently asking about demons. You see what you want to see, huh? And for the record, I still love Sammy. He's pissing me off at times and I miss his puppy-like attitude, but I still adore him. I srsly refuse this Sam vs Dean stupid debates. Sure, right now I care more for Dean, last season I liked Sam more and so on, so on. I love them both and I'd hate loosing either of them in this stupid Apocalypse.
Shane! I can see Shane's photo! Uh... Okay, I should probably learn how this kid is called outside of "Weeds".
Dean in gloves. It shouldn't be as sexy as it is, right?
Yay! Finally somebody caught them on the cemetery! I was starting to believe no one ever guides those things or something. LOL, devil worship. Yes, indeed. Devil worship set up by the antichrist. Yes, that's exactly what it is. *rotfl* This guy is creepy! Who the heck is he?
And, anyway, why every time something normal happens like finally another FBI agent shows, they're caught on the cemetery, etc. It turns out it's not as normal as it seems to be? xD
Alistair! OMG, I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you in this meatsuit! I was fogged by the fact that I already saw the next one and didn't realize there'll be one more. Awesome!
YAY! I love you Ali, but seriously, Sam throwing you just like that? YAY! Go, Sammy! You evil puppy you! Sam looked sexy back there, I just don't get it why after using his powers or when he's pissed he flaws his nostrils and looks like he's about to sneeze. Maybe he's allergic to demons. XD
... I didn't hear this right, right? *rewinds* Oh, fuck. I did. MWAHAHAHAHAHA. House? SRSLY? *ROTFL*
Oh, my. Dean's talking like... I don't know, more human, down to earth version of an angel. I liiiiike. He finally gets around to thinking seriously about the upcoming Apocalypse. YaY! (Still, stupid Apocalypse XD)
I don't know why, but I love the way Dean laid down. He looks adorable xD
Pam xD I'm starting to slightly, just tiny bit, like her XD
Dean in Sam! XD Me loves! (Not really right order for my otp, but it's still awesome xD)
Cole XD Shane was funnier xD But, okay, Cole is that.
Uh. Kissing death. Gross. xD
Sam you evil bastard... I can't really be mad at you, but you are an evil bastard.
Sam's eavesdropping on Dean's emo chats. He should've stop doing that. Srsly, he's pissed with everything Dean does tell him, why he tries to hear more? Freak.
hahahaha! Cole kicking boys’ asses! YAY!
ALISTAIR!!!! <33333333333333333333
Oh, sweetie, this meatsuit works for you just sooooooooo great. I love it, no matter how creepy it looks. And there's not mistaking that this is Alistair, oh, Goth, I so love this evil bastard <333
Tough, random thought, white eyes look somehow less scary since, when a demon shows them off he kinda looks as if he was about to faint.
OMF. That's why I love Alistair. "Go to hell" "Oh, if I only could!" Poor thing, he misses home! And they kept on sending him here! How sad.
"It's good to see you again, Dean." XDDDDDDDDDD
My Goth, why was I missing angels anyway? ALISTAIR <33333333 ALISTAIR FTW!!!
Awww. Poor, Alistair. Such a great plan and it all went to hell. Or heaven. Or whatever.
Okay, I admit I missed him more than Alistair.
And for the record? Smiting is not as spectacular as Uriel made it sound. Maybe it wasn't full blown smiting? It sure wasn’t.
And, omg, Cass is learning some good lines! I love it!
You know? I think I'm a safe fan. No matter which side is going to win Apocalypse I'm going to enjoy the sight of the winning characters XD Well, besides Lilith, I hate creepy kids. And as long as both brothers survive... Okay, so I'm not really safe. Damn.
Bobby pretending to be a Director of the FBI? Funny. The angel of the Lord pretending to be Bobby? Hilarious!
AWWWWWW. "You're different." AWWWWWW.
Ugh. Tessa. Why she says "Dean I could've use your help." And in the next scene she's in the new dress? Am I the only one who find it weird? (Ugly dress, by the way.)
Dean the famous Angel of Death. That'd be so cool. And he could be with Cass forever and ever! XD
Tessa is a real fucking optimist. I knew, I never liked the bitch.
Oh, shut up, Pamela. Sam is good. He's just doing this freaky mojo to demons till he can learn how to smite them... Yes, I think that's the answer! If Uriel taught Sam how to smite they can live ina happy friendship forever and ever, walking around and smiting. Two giant smiting bastards. AWWW.
AWWW. "We dedicate the entire season to Kim Manners." ;_; Yes, he sure deserves more than one note at the end of the episode that I expected. It's really great.
Yeah, we sure do miss you Kim.