Google Killed Me, Thank You Google

Feb 19, 2009 15:39

I shouldn't be here, but I needed to share. I'm trying to write a scenario for a lesson about big and small letter and the rules about using them. Let me note that every time I have to write a scenario I'm getting in strange mood and only drinking lots of coca-cola and eating lots of chocolate and putting myself on some sugar high makes me write this and not get insane. Because, the only thing I learned from writing the scenarios is that no matter what grammar rule you're talking about after half an hour working on scenario you start to doubt EVERYTHING.

So, anyway, I thought I'd google the rules of using big and small letter, 'cause I wasn't sure how are they formulated and I didn't want to miss any etc, etc. And Google killed me. Thank you for that Google, sugar high should be much easier to achieve right now XD

One of the first things I found was an article or something that stated to quote (loosely, in translation and from memory):

Using small and big letter may be problematic, since the rules aren't exactly strict. The best way is to first right a thing in Word and then paste it into your text.

Thank you very much. That's exactly what I'll put in the scenario. I'm sure the kids are gonna love it.  xD

*goes of to create some insanity*

insanity, internet, studies, humor

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