Jul 16, 2008 15:57
19:05 14-07-08
I Feel: Better.
I Listen To: Different Kind of Knight - Christian Kane
Topic: Past Events List.
So, lately I was feeling really bad and kinda depressed and I was just brooding around, listening to sad music etc. All in all - I'm better. And since quite a few things happened I wanted to post a list of things. Not really important (mostly) things, but just some day-to-day shit I wanted to tell you, but I hadn't have enough force to talk/write without emo-ing too much.
01. Even if my mother despise her promises didn't help me with some paperwork I had to do for my uni, I managed myself. All in all I think world plots against me to make me finally learn the old truth: if you want to count on someone, count on yourself.
Well, today I managed on my own. And since I was stressed it actually worked out. (For some odd reason, the more I worry about something the more probable is the fact everything will turn out okay.)
02. Most of the things about the studies cleared out. My papers still had to get to the uni and I hope everything will be okay with them, but they're already send, so even if I *did* fuck something up... Well, I can't help it anyway, right now. I'm left in peace for some time, until I'll have to do the paperwork to get a room in student's dorms.
I admit I don't like how some things turned out and I'm still scared about some others that still have to be taken care of, but I'm calmer now. I hate unsureness and making decisions, when everything is already put into place, I can go along the most crazy plan.
03. I almost forgot House is on tv tonight... x_X
04. I need to look for some job for the rest of summer, so I'll have better start (financially, at least) on the uni.
05. I need to buy a computer (or at least decide on what I want to buy, so I'll buy it, when I'll be in Gdansk already).
06. I need to figure out how to take most of my documents and folders from this old wreck that I call computer these days. (I'll miss the old bastard, too ;[)
07. I'm writting the answer for one_character challenge with Gregory House. And I think that's the worst thing I ever comitted.
08. I decided what pairing I'll write for this RPS challenge (well, I'm 99% positive about it). It's gonna be JP/CMM. And honestly I like the idea of plot I had less and less ;)
09. 11 day 'till X-Files... (And now that I don't have dead-line about sending documents above my head, I can actually hope for the time to run faster ;))
10. I never mindeed Kane's character (or what I know of it from RPF) and I still don't like his looks... BUT I finally heard his voice. And I have crush on his voice. XD
11. I have an idea for a meme and I think I'm gonna do it ;)
12. My parents put the new door in. They were awfully cheap, so obviously sth was wrong with them. (doors, not parents). ANyway, I have problems with closing it today's morning, and when I came back I couldn't open it! Which suck even more. Thank GOd, it's summer and the window was slightly ajar and I managed to open it fully and came that way ;) LoL.
... End?