Mar 06, 2004 20:23
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
1. who are your best friends?: Jerry
2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nope, kinda sometimes want to casually date but thats it
3. did you send this to your crush?: don't have one
4. did your crush send this to you?: nope
5. longest relationship?: 2 years
6. how many actual relationships have you been in?: quite a few. long ones only 2
7. how many people have you kissed?: What the fuck kind of question is that?
8. are you shy around your crush?: Depends on who it is
9. do you indulge in random hook-ups?: No thats kinda passed
10. still have feelings for anyone you've been in a past relationship with?: I'm still in love with Shadwick damn it all. I think i always will be.
11. do you know what it feels like to be in love?: i think so.
12. would you sacrifice your favorite possession for your best friends?: yes in a heart beat
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
1. where is your favorite place to shop?:wet seal or cherry bomb
2. have any tattoos or piercings?: besides my ears, no. I want my nipples done
3. what is your favorite thing to wear?: My Jeans with the busted belt loop
4. what is a must have accessory?: Lighter?
5. how much is the most you've ever spent on a single item of clothing?: 150. leather jacket.
6. what is the worst trend you see today?: Trucker hats on chicks
7. who is the most fashionable person you know?: Jaimes
8. who is the least fashionable person you know?: Ashley
9. do you match your belt with your hair color?: that would look funny. NO
10. what is the worst thing you've ever thought looked good?: WHAT?
11. what are you wearing right now?: Original Mousketeer tank with busted belt loop jeans, sports bra, red plaid thong, black flip flops
12. how many pairs of shoes do you own?: alot, but i wear 2 pairs
s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs?: yes. Im trying to quit but not that hard
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: Suave vanilla floral
3. what are you most scared of?: being alone and losing my best friends
4. what are you listening to right now?: Fabolous bad bitch
5. who is the last person that called you?: Jerry
6. where do you want to get married?: I'm having second thoughts about the whole marriage thing. But if I weren't either the beach or where my parents got married (Locust Grove under the huge oak tree)... that spot might be jinxed though... Somewhere Outside.
7. how many buddies are online right now?: Not signed on
8. what would you change about yourself?: i would quit being codependent
9. what are essentials in your life?: Love, Music, Friends
10. if you had the power to do any one thing, what would it be?: control time and fate
11. what nationality are you?: german, scottish, irish... whatever I live in america so i am a slut of all different nationalities.
12. do you send out holiday cards each year?: nope, too lazy. Who does that shit?
c u r r e n t
1. hair: Just got it cut to my shoulders
2. music: rap
3. make-up: i'm trying to quit.
4. annoyance: people lying
5. smell: fresh rain smell
6. favorite artist: from which genre!?!?
7. favorite group: see above.
8. desktop picture: anti bush cartoon
9. book you're reading: The Black Book- Jonah Black
10. cd in player: Little Plastic Castle by Ani
11. dvd in player: Gone with the wind
12. color of toenails: normal fleshy color
Nickname: Andi
Current mood: tired
Current taste: apple pie
Current hair: reddish brown
Current thing I ought to be doin: calling people
Current windows open: what the fuck
Current favorite band: shut up
Current book: THE BLACK BOOK
Current crush: one really
Current favorite celeb: Colin Feral (sp.?)
Current hate: That one stupid bitch
=Do I=
Smoke?: yes
Do drugs?: yes
Have sex?: yes
Give oral sex?: only to special people.
Receive oral sex?: haven't for awhile
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: yeah dammit
Remember your first love?: all to clearly.
Still love him/her?: yes
Read the newspaper?: the comics, front page sumtimes
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: yes
Believe in miracles?: I am a miracle.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Maybe....
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: to a certain extent. Im working on it
Consider love a mistake?: uhm yes. not friendship wise, just relationship wise. ( Well i guess you learn from the pain but thats all it is)
Like the taste of alcohol?: no
Have a favorite candy?: yeah
Believe in astrology?: yes
Believe in magic?: maybe
Believe in god?: sometimes.
Have any pets: my granny has a cat.
Go to or plan to go to college: i think i am being forced. dont really want to anymore though.
Hate yourself: sometimes
Have an obsession?: yeah i suppose
Have a secret crush?: yeah
Do they know yet?: no
Have a best friend?:Yep
Wish on stars?: fuck that. what the hell is a star going to do for me? Too far away.
Care about looks?: Yes
=Love life=
First crush: jeez guys, i don't remember.
First kiss: hm. dunno that anymore either
Do you believe in love at first sight?: yeah. when you're on drugs.
Do you believe in "the one?": yes, unfortunately.
Describe your ideal significant other: he wants me as much as i want him and supports me and loves me, loyal but not in a fidelity sense, won't let me hurt myself, considerate, sweet, needs me but isn't needy
=Juicy stuff=
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: yeah
Have you ever been intoxicated?: yeah
Favorite place to be kissed?: mouth or tummy or neck or inner thigh or small of back. forehead
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": yeah haha
Are you a tease?: nope I give it up on the first date.
Shy to make the first move?: depends on the person
What's on your bedside table?: a clock, alot of books, a buddha a candle from jerusalem lamps
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: cookie dough
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: gone with the wind
What is your biggest fear?: being alone
What feature are you most insecure about?: my back
Do you ever have to beg?: not usually
Are you a pyromaniac?: kinda
Do you have too many love interests?:nope
Do you know anyone famous?: my uncles are both actors.
Describe your bed: big and soft and comfy and warm and i love it.
Spontaneous or plain?: first one
Do you know how to play poker?: no don't want to
What do you carry with you at all times?: ciggy's money, cellphone, house phone Lighter
How do you drive?: i don't
What do you miss most about being little?: climbing trees, playing in leaf piles and creekwalking
Are you happy with your given name?: Yep.
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: not much.
What color is your bedroom?: this weird purple red color
What was the last song you were listening to?: Brain by NERD
Have you ever been in a play?: yeah a couple. not my thing though
Do you talk a lot?: yeah
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: nope
Do you think you're cute?: i have a nice body, my face is cute some days
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? Yeah. They have options that they aren't exercising
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: no
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?: friends
What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands?: I want to hold someones hand. :(