I figure it's about time that I let on to what has been up with me lately. I know my page layout has changed new avatar, maybe even new mannerisms. Well, after a whole load of introspection I've come to the realization that I am more comfortable as a female.
Now for some of you who know me, I hardly look fem IRL. Some might say I look more like an ogre IRL. This is quite true and brings me no small measure of grief. It's difficult feeling something inside that doesn't match the outside.
Now, I've told a few people of this difference, most have been accepting. Some have been really excited. Some have been a bit incredulous, I am with them in that camp. Mostly for the same reasons as have been posted.
I can't exain what this is, the possibility that this equates to transsexuality is being looked into. Strangely enough, the definition is quite appealing.
The fact is though that I am not a very girly person. I have been known to dabble in ladies underwears and clothing from time to time, but I've always been my normal, goofy self. That is something that will never change. I've always internally liked softer things and pink and stuff. Just never really thought I could express that. Plus it is a sharp contrast to my abrasive, sarcastic personality.
That's all for now though. I have to get back to work.
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