Libya : A Perspective

Feb 25, 2011 13:08

I sit here and the worst thing I can hear is the rumble of fans from various bits of kit and at times the annoyingly loud conversation.
I am over a 1000 miles away from the shooting and screams that I imagine exist in Libya at this moment, but this isn't an analysis of how safe I am.

The problem with Totalitarian Regimes is that they don't create 'safe' exit strategy. They are of the hubric opinion that they will be there forever. They tend to forget that the grim reaper comes to all things, and thus there cannot be a need for a graceful exit.

The phrase that "That the people should not walk in fear of their government but the government should walk in fear of their people" is starkly brought to light in recent days.

The people of Libya have had to walk in fear for at least 40 years, and I suspect longer than that prior to their Army led revolution. What we see now is that fear has been turned into anger.

The Libyan Government has no graceful exit strategy and neither do the people of Libya. Both have effectively ensnared themselves into a deathly embrace of violence and bloodshed.

However the people have an advantage, for one thing is that there is more of them than the cadre of government followers and they have a conscience, even those that were in the Libyan Armed forces. They cannot idly stand by and see their fellow citizens being being straffed by 20 mm cannon for holding a placard and shouting. They aren't being paid to fight back, they are doing it for free because they can't let that continue and still look at themselves in the mirror.

You may ask why I used the term ensnared themselves. I'll give you two reasons. The first is that the people did not insist on checks and balances that hold a government in check, the second is that Libyan government did not look back in history and see that such checks and balances were worth having.

So the people of Libya have shaken themselves from their indolence with respect to saying the word NO and sadly many will now die for the previous generations lack lustre performance for demanding the right to say NO.

As for Libyan government, no one will give the leaders a safe haven, what Arab State could hold someone who ordered Anti Aircraft weaponary fired at people in the street.
So they have no where to go, and they are only going to go down fighting with a mixture of anger and astonishment, how could these people be so wrong ??
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