I likes a bit of a challenge heh

Jan 23, 2007 00:46

Stoled it from Felix

1. Where is your cell phone?
On the charger

2. Boyfriend/girlfriend?
Not at mo

3. Your hair?
One colour - boring!

4. Your mother?
Miss her heaps

5. Your father?
With his family

6. Your favourite item?
My teddy Berky

7. Your dream last night?
I don't remember

8. Your favourite drink?:
Vodka Lemon Lime

9. Your dream car?
Vintage Ford Mustang

10. The room you are in?
My little bedroom

11. Your ex?:
Beautiful special girl

12. Your fear?:
Spiders, heights, gun

13. What do you want to be in 10 years?
Graduated from uni

14. Who did you hang out with last night?
My friend Nads

15. What you're not?
Your average girl

16. Muffins?:
Can't eat 'em :(

17: One of your wish list items?
A new knee

18. Time right now?:
Twelve thirty nine

19. What was the last thing you did?:
Set my alarm

20. What are you wearing?:
Singlet and boxers

22. Your favourite book?
Too many words

23. The last thing you ate?:
Gluten free nachos

24. Your life?:
Has its days

25. Your mood?:
Could be better

26. Your friends?:
Rock my socks

27. What are you doing right now?
Hitting the sack

28. Your car:
I love it

29. Most loved memory:
My first cat

30. Your summer?
Way too hot

32. What is on your tv?:
Play Station Game

33. When is the last time you laughed?
Nice'n'recently :)

34. Last time you cried?:
Was this afternoon

35. School?
So long ago...


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