More Merlin finale comments

Dec 26, 2012 20:44

I wonder if Merlin went back to Camelot. Ever. Whether he went back to share that meal with Gaius, and help Gwen rule, or whether he just couldn't bear it. Fanfic, commence!

I mean, there is so much potential here. Can Gwen overcome the stigma of the Pendragons? Does Merlin return? Does he wander off and use his magic for good? What happens to Aithusa?

And... what happened to Percival? Gwaine dies, Percival runs off, there is a brief shot of him finding tracks on the ground... and then nothing until he appears in the throne room. It looks as if there was a plot thread there that they just didn't have time to tie up. I suspect Percival followed Arthur and Merlin to the lake, found Morgana's body, saw Arthur being sent off in his little barge and then returned to Camelot to tell them the King was dead. They probably didn't have time to fit it in amongst all the crying and bromance and forehead-pressing and secret sharing that was going on with Arthur and Merlin, WHICH IS JUST FINE BY ME.

You know one of the things that's best about that finale, for me, is it touched all the bits of my soul that have loved bromance-type stories most of my life. Boys bonding under pressure and maybe getting a little bit emotional in life-threatening situations has always been a big attraction for me since I was a child reading children's books. And the relationship between Arthur and Merlin has always been as slashy or as straight as you want to see it, but there was no denying that they were two guys who loved one another, and they carried off that ending so beautifully.

Now there has to be an outtake where they snogged, or Colin blew a raspberry on Bradley's nose or something, right? Right? There must be. Oooh, I do hope we get lots of lovely extras on the last disc, preferably a really good doco, and hopefully some good decent commentaries too. Preferably one with Bradley & Colin together, or as Rohan says, all four main cast members together. That'd do me.

merlin, colin morgan why so awesome?

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