Oct 07, 2012 10:10

Well, I did enjoy that! Here are incoherent thoughts in no particular order:

- It really does feel as if we are a few years later than the previous season. Bradley is playing Arthur with more calm and gravitas. Colin is playing Merlin wearier and careworn (and with a deeper voice, I think).

- Merlin really is desperate to tell Arthur about the magic, isn't he? He's right on the edge. But I think he's got himself into the situation where it's been left so long it now seems almost impossible.

- "You expect me to listen to a sorcerer?" Ouch. It really will take a while to get through a lifetime of Uther-drive indoctrination.

- Merlin spends a lot of time brooding, and Arthur spends a lot of time asking him what's wrong, which is nice and shows that despite the surface put-downs they really have affection. It doesn't even take Arthur a massive amount of time before he asks Merlin what's wrong; perhaps Gwen's helped wake up his understanding of emotions a bit more :)

- It really does feel as if Arthur's putdowns are almost an afterthought, something he keeps up because that's the pattern they've fallen into. In fact the affection is much clearer and less-strings-attached from Arthur towards Merlin than vice versa. Merlin's care for Arthur seems to be falling more into worried mother hen mode.

- Gwen was fantastic. It was lovely to see her impulsive warmth towards Sefa - recalling the days when she and Morgana were confidantes - and then the steel with which she had her arrested. Her questioning was calm but firm, her judgement clear and absolute. Angel is going to get to shine properly this season, it seems.

- I loved Merlin juggling the eggs! So that's what this photo was all about.

- N'aaww, look at Arthur and Merlin sleeping back to back and being very very careful to keep their hands to themselves :)

- Also, I bet B&C had fun filming that bit in the net. There seemed to be a lot of huffing and humping going on :)

- From a story point of view, I loved that Sefa was discovered and sentenced to death all within a single episode. No season-long drawn-out corridor skulking and clandestine meetings here, thank goodness - it would be a bit much after Agravaine.

- Mordred Mordred Mordred! He's a little hottie. Also very charismatic, and very enigmatic. Hard-faced, then the smile. I'm so glad he introduced himself straight away. Presumably there is much double- and triple- crossing ahead from him.

merlin, colin morgan why so awesome?, hello bradley james

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