First the burning question: Where the hell did Arthur get the chainmail from so that he was suddenly wearing it in Ealdor? They definitely left it behind - it was visible on top of the low wall when Agravaine found the cloak. I can't imagine there was a spare left behind after the first Battle of Ealdor, because I am willing to bet that chainmail is an extremely valuable item. But for the sake of LA LA LA MY SHOW I'll pretend that was what happened.
Other reactions:
- The best thing about this episode was Arthur and Merlin fighting together with the crossbows, Merlin tossing Arthur the arrows like they were born to fight together. Which they were.
- HUNITH!!!!
- I found enchanted!Arthur quite touching and foresee loads of enchanted!Arthur fanfic coming
- Tristan and Isolde were a bit too much WE LUUURVE ONE ANOTHER EPICALLY AND IT IS EPIC.
- Loved Arthur and Gwen's quiet, uncertain reunion. I wondered why she didn't go to Ealdor in the first place.
- Poor Arthur broke my heart wondering why everyone betrays him. That's called Being King, Arthur; it comes with the job. This is really setting up for Merlin's magic to be a betrayal - but of course, Merlin is not after Arthur's power.
Can it be next week NOWWWWW? Please?