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Your Data:
A. Age:
B. Country of residence:
C. Native country (if you were born in the same country you live now, give the name of the country your parents come from and use it throughout the whole survey):
D. Your mother’s native country:
E. Your father’s native country:
F. How old were you when you moved to your current country of residence: (if you were born in the same country you live now, leave this point blank):
G. Language you use at home (language of upbringing):
H. Language you use at school/work:
I. Language(s) you perceive as your native tongue(s):
Answer questions below using YES or NO.
1. You perceive both languages you use as your native tongues.
2. You did not have any problems with adopting the second of your two languages.
3. You definitely prefer one of these two languages.
4. You like talking with your parents in the language of upbringing at home.
5. At school/work you do not have any problems with communication with your fellow co-students/workers.
6. You believe that your roots/nationality shaped your personality or at least had influence on it.
7. When meeting new people, you underline your descent.
8. You are proud because of your descent.
9. You believe that your descent distinguishes you positively.
10. You believe that bilingualism cause people problems.
11. You were treated badly because of your diglossia.
12. You visit your native country.
13. You stay in touch with your family from your native country.
14. During your visits in the native country you use only the official language of the country.
15. You are ashamed of using your language of upbringing in public during your stay in the country where it is the official language.
16. You are ashamed of using your language of upbringing in public in your country of residence.
17. You must constantly be careful not to make mistakes at school/work.
18. You do not have problems with reading in your language of upbringing.
19. You do not have problems with writing in your language of upbringing.
20. Sometimes you use your language of upbringing phrases at school/work.
21. During World Cup or UEFA you find it difficult to choose which country you should support.
22. Your choice in such case is not dependant on which country are you staying in at the moment.
23. You follow the events that take place in your native country.
24. You are interested in the culture of your native country.
25. You often recall your childhood spent in your native country.
26. You do not perceive yourself as a cosmopolitan but as the representative of a given nation.
27. You find it difficult to choose only one nationality to describe yourself.
28. You know the anthem of your native country.
29. You celebrate holidays according to the tradition of your native country.
30. You consider yourself to be a traditionalist.
31. Your views are conservative.
32. You like national dishes from your native country.
33. You are proud of the achievements of sportsmen from your native country.
34. You consider yourself to be a typical representative of your native country when it comes to appearance.
35. You agree with the statement that every nationality has its distinctive features.
36. You believe that you possess features associates with people from your native country.
37. Notions such “motherland”, “nation”, “borders” are meaningful to you.
38. You are willing to talk about your native country, its history.
39. You like discussing touchy issues connected with your native country.
40. Jokes about your native country offend you.
41. You will teach/you teach your children your language of upbringing.
42. You will name/ you named your children using names from your language of upbringing.
43. You swear in the language of upbringing.
44. You understand songs sung in your language of upbringing.
45. On your computer, you install programs in your language of upbringing.
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