Fangirl Fosters Fandom Frustrations

Aug 23, 2010 21:34

SO... Exactly ONE MONTH until the new season of Criminal Minds starts!!!!!! I can't wait!!!! I finished Season 5 at the beginning of July this year, so I've been trying to distract myself for the past six weeks. It's working, but... I'm growing concerned for my sanity.

Star Trek: I FINALLY saw the 2009 Star Trek movie!!!! I LOVE it! But I'm SUPER worried that I'll start watching TOS now and I won't be able to stop. I worry about ordering vintage fanzines and going to cons and turning into a Trekkie.

Glee: Fandom/obession isn't really a big issue here. I've grown VERY attached to this show, but fic and art and stuff... just not happening. It's not that kind of obsession in my mind. I just really love the characters, the music, the characters... oh, and did I mention the music? I hope I don't get sucked into fandom when it comes to this show...

Doctor Who/Torchwood: I've gotten several of my friends hooked on Doctor Who and/or Torchwood this summer. Of this I am quite proud. However, after watching all of the new Doctor Who again and all of Torchwood twice or more in the past three months, I don't want to say I've become bored so much as I'm simply curious to see what else is out there. I've begun watching some Fourth Doctor episodes, beginning with the E-Space Trilogy in Season 18, and I've discovered that I have a new favourite companion! I LOVE Adric! He's a genius and perhaps kind of insecure, but endearingly so. I think he's quite cute. And the more I try to find out about him, I keep discovering that most of Classic Who fandom hates him! Why? I have a hard time understanding this and I sort of don't want to go into detail about it. It's also kind of disappointing that Peter Davison's Doctor doesn't seem to have as much chemistry with Adric as Tom Baker's Doctor had (which is ironic, given Matthew Waterhouse's account of Baker's attitude on the set). I digress, though. My point is that in the wake of too much New Who and Torchwood, I'm finding that Classic Who is occupying all of my time and it's rather depressing that I've chosen an era in which my favorite character is one whom everybody seems to hate. I just want to give him a hug, because he's so cute and ingenious and under-appreciated.

Sherlock: I've recently heard about this BBC miniseries and I can't figure out where to FIND IT!!!!! WANT!!!!

glee, doctor who, criminal minds, fandom, sherlock, torchwood, rant, star trek

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