CURRENTLY... (for accessible-by-all news on Andra's fiction writing)

Jan 01, 2020 20:20

08 Dec 2014
Determined to be back on LJ.  Not writing yet, not in nearly 2.5 years and completely feeling the damage to my head and peace of mind without that outlet.  Less stupid about promising I will write soon.  Going to have to see where things go from here....
~ Andra

18 September 2011
Life has not been very push/pull until now.  Not sure where to start...
1.  I completed a fitness DVD for a BBC company which I will not harp on too much about except to say it is so cool to have done it, and dude my credibility as an instructor has gone up!  My flattie's help in choreographing, giving feedback and supporting me on the day of shooting was just priceless.
2.  Said flattie and I are on the outs at the moment over some misunderstanding on his part resulting in upset-ness with me.  Frankly sick of him misunderstanding me so badly considering how long we have known each other so I'm waiting for him to come out of his hissy fit and talk to me about it.
3.  Sisters must move at the end of October, no way out.  Their flat has got some shitty plumbing in it that results in the shower and sinks backing up.  They've lost enough furniture, books and clothes to the water damage --which the landlord isn't going to pay for, that asshole.
4.  Dated two people recently but neither are particularly amazing or maybe I'm just that picky... I'm still very fixed on finding someone I don't have to take care of, if that makes any sense.  I don't need much emotional support as I have a strong personality and I think I am rather self-aware, so I'm looking for someone to share a bit with and develop the relationship with, not cling like a lifeline.  Can you guess that I am IRL rather unromantic??
5.  Without my flattie talking to me, my sisters with a deadline in sight and complaining less, and me not dating anymore ...I feel like my emotional batteries are finally charging up again.  Which means more writing!!  Third installment to the London arc is well over 30k words as of Friday.  I want to tackle The Seer next!
6.  The flattie's uncle bought flattie and I tickets to Lisbon leaving next Friday.  I think.  I don't know if the tickets actualy exist, though, as I have not seen them.  I was going to just not go but summer is ending here so if I can get a copy of my tickets, I am going to stay at a lovely beach side B&B I found online and WRITE for a whole WEEK.
Wish me luck, guys.

15 August 2011:
1. Problems with money galore: my sisters & my flatmate so therefore I have been forced to help out.
2. My liver has developed a dense mass in a corner. Awaiting ultrasound appointment. Blood test results are back and I have been called in "to discuss" the results.
3. I am so behind everything I need to do and so much of my personal shit that there is nothing funny about anything anymore.
4. I want to write so badly I am considering taking more USB drive of projects and working on some stories through my lunch breaks.
5. This is now my life: wake at 8, out the door by 8.30, at my desk by 9, leave at 5.30 or 6pm, arrive at gym 30 minutes later, teach 6.30 or 6.45 class for an hour, shower, go home, eat 9pm dinner and collapse in bed. I am SO fucking tired.

3 May 2011
1.  Fitness qualification papers still need doing
2.  Fitness program designed, just needs rehearsing --deadline is Thursday!!
3.  Fitness shoot on 15th, need to prep!
4.  Kyohana's help_haiti fic needs final scenes put in, send to beta (prof? you available to look this over?)
5.  The Seer
6.  Two stories for LT3 in final stages, just need to get the final edits in and send to Sam.
7.  Lance's story, Anomaly Chronicles arc --gist done, needs actual writing to happen...

26 April 2011:
Been a long time since I've written anything; I'm sorry, people!
My current To Do List:
Complete final fitness qualification worksheets
Post the crap I'm selling on eBay
Complete designing own fitness program
Rehearse the program (deadline is next week!)
Complete help_haiti request fic for Kyohana --yes, I am that bad.
THEN wrap up next season of The Seer so I can edit it and POST IT.


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