The Extended Breakdance Version

Jul 31, 2013 12:56

If you follow me on twitter or fb you may already know that I broke my right arm last Saturday. A number of people have been requesting the greater than 140 characters explanation so...
A friend and I were picking up bales of straw for the garden - we know someone who'll do the old fashioned small bales that can be moved by hand if we order them ( Read more... )

owies, research

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maiac July 31 2013, 17:10:46 UTC

I empathize, having broken my right arm (just below the elbow) about 6 weeks ago. Since I got surgery, I only had to wear a splint for a week either side of the surgery, but I was doing things one-handed for quite a while and yeah, it gives one a whole new perspective on how the world is designed.

I hope your arm doesn't hurt and you get the lighter fiberglass cast, and that the pets aren't freaked out by the big strange thing on your arm.

FYI, Glad Press-and-Seal plastic wrap works very well as a waterproof cover for taking showers.


andpuff July 31 2013, 17:23:18 UTC
See this is what happens whenI lose track of lj, I hadn't known you'd broken yours. Did you post about what happened? Re you okay now?

The dogs are sympathetic. The cats are annoyed their talking monkey is broken.

I'm trying a shower tonight so this is timely advice. Thanks!


maiac July 31 2013, 21:48:09 UTC
I stumbled and fell, landed with my forearm smack on the concrete. It's disturbingly like how I broke my right leg way back when. Just -- one misstep, and wham. (X-rays pre-surgery and post-surgery, in case you're curious.)

Immediate post-surgery was unpleasant, but the improvement was rapid. Fortunately, I'm practically ambidextrous and I don't wear mascara, so I was able to do a lot of things with my left hand. (And doing things like putting a shirt on a hanger one-handed gave me a feeling of accomplishment.) By now, I'm able to do most things that don't involve lifting weight or exerting pressure. I hope I'll be able to start physical therapy after I see the surgeon again next week.

Since your prognosis is "only" six weeks in a cast, you're probably better off with that than with surgery. I hope it's not too uncomfortable. I have actually seen kits in the drug store for cleaning inside a cast (I suspect "cleaning" is a euphemism for "scratching like mad with something relatively safe").


andpuff August 1 2013, 21:53:24 UTC
The plastic wrap trick worked beautifully! I HAD A SHOWER!!!!


maiac August 1 2013, 22:57:20 UTC
YAY! Sympathy and empathy!


apostle_of_eris August 2 2013, 01:09:40 UTC
And an "eek! ik! ouch!" for you too.


maiac August 2 2013, 01:23:05 UTC
Thanks! I'm healing rapidly, I'm happy to report.


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