Smoke Books Available as eBooks!

Jul 30, 2013 23:22

It seems like I've been waiting forever for book two  -- the amount of control authors have over this, btw, is in negative numbers -- but it's finally out and all three of the Smoke books are now available in ebook format.

For those who might not know, these books came out originally in 2004, 2005, and 2006.  They're in the same mythos as the Vicki Nelson books -- Blood Price, Blood Trail, Blood Lines, Blood Pact, Blood Debt, Blood Bank -- and Henry Fitzroy is a secondary character.  But they take place in Vancouver and the Smoke books tell Tony's story, not Vicki's, so if you're looking for a continuation of the Blood Books, that's not what you're going to find.  Although it was Shadows that received my favorite review quote of all time:  Huff has never met a trope she wouldn't skewer.

Since there's multiple books and I'm putting this together left handed (broke my right arm four days ago) the links go to the Tanya Huff pages.  I have complete faith in your ability to figure it out from there.  They're listing Shadows as a standalone which, technically, it is.  Like in the Blood books, the plots are self-contained while the emotional story arc develops through all three books.

For Kindle: for Kindle  
           for Kindle  (this is kind of fascinatingly mixed up with other authors)

For the Nook:  Barnes and Noble

For iStuff: iBooks at Apple

For Kobo:  Chapters

owies, ebooks, shilling

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