(no subject)

Aug 05, 2011 12:43

I read AfterElton pretty much every day. Yes, I know, AfterElton is aimed at gay and bisexual men and perhaps it would therefore make more sense for me to read AfterEllen, the equivalent site for women, and I do drop in there occasionally. My pop cultural preferences aside...

This morning there was an interview posted with JJ Abrams revisiting putting a gay character on Star Trek -- given the reboot and all. (No, there hasn't been. Not a human gay character. Although the whole Trill thing with Jadzia made me personally very happy. But anyway, not the point here...)

Ignoring that Mr. Abrams seemed to have a little trouble allowing Michael to finish a question, given the ellipses, he seems to be making a big deal out of something that's not a big deal at all.

In the reboot, McCoy was identified as at least bisexual by mentioning his wife. So when writing the new movie let's take a character who has lines anyway -- you're already paying him to talk, might as well get your money's worth -- say, Cupcake the security guy...

INT: Enterprise corridor. Three redshirts are walking toward the camera.

...knew when I joined Starfleet I'd be heading off planet, and he still married me.

Redshirt One
That's why I'm still single.

Redshirt Two
Who'd marry you?

Redshirt One
(indicating Cupcake)
Come on, he found a guy!

As Cupcake begins to react, the ship goes into a red alert. The redshirts run into the next scene which is full of smoke and things blowing up and probably a lead character or two actually advancing the plot.

See? Not that hard, Mr. Abrams. In about thirty seconds, we've found out something more about Cupcake, making him slightly more than a thick necked security foil for Kirk. Yes, he could still be bi, but give me a slightly longer scene -- here, or in a bar waiting for the ubiquitous bar fight -- and I could clear that up too. OMG, three dimensional secondary characters! I guess they got lost in the whole three dimensional, oh look an asteroid coming right at us crap...

I need more coffee.

generally fairly cheerful myself

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