Can I have a yay?

Mar 14, 2011 15:23

Have just sent The Wild Ways -- an Emporium sequel from Charlie's point of view -- off to the editor and the agent. Yes, it was due the middle of last month. Hush.

101,646 words as it now stands

Next, I have a story for the new Valdemar anthology to finish ASAP (it may be a little, um, late) then a story from the Valor 'verse, then it's back into the not-the-Napoleonic werewolves book. (after that, I'm intending more Valor books riffing off the end of Truth but it's too early to say for certain that's what's going to happen)

I've had word that legal ebooks of the Blood books (as opposed to everything else currently on the web) should be available in about three weeks. Remember, these books were written LONG before ebooks existed so the contracts had to be reworked and then the books themselves had to be converted to the correct format(s). Everyone who waited has my eternal gratitude. So does everyone who dl'd the illegal versions but is now planning to dl the legal versions as soon as they're available.

I'm now heading off to town to pay my land taxes and buy a caffinated lottery ticket (Canadian reference) then, when I get home, I'm going to finally watch the last aired episode of Supernatural, I might even take a look at what Netflix has on offer, and TOMORROW I'm going to tell you all about how we have to rebuild our house. From the ground up. It's a fun story. Sort of. Ish. Okay, not really.

Exits stage left.


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