Resolutions. Okay, singular. Resolution.

Jan 03, 2011 14:39

I haven't been around much have I?  I mean, not in a public author blogging sort of a way.  So, as a New Year's resolution, I resolve to be around a bit more.  And yes,  you can post resolutions on the 3rd... no point in posting on the 1st, no one would have been here.

But, if y'all want me to be around and actually blogging more, here's what you ( Read more... )

writing, cats, self

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kattale January 3 2011, 20:09:10 UTC
It is entirely the fault of your choice of icon - I had not even finished reading that paragraph when "blog about your cats" came to mind - split seconds before your cat-barf disclaimer. Seriously, if you have any suggestions about discouraging a very anxious/territorial male-neuter cat from peeing on the children's coat hems, I'm all ears.

You are only the 2nd author who's LJ I subscribe to - the first, who is perhaps rather less well known than you, mostly writes about her actual life, and her cats, her day job, her family. I enjoy reading that, and enjoy the friendship that grows as I begin to see her as an awesome, wise, enjoyable lady instead of the creator of that squeefully brilliant almost-trilogy that I wish she'd finish revising. *grin*

Since you are rather more in the public eye, you probably don't need to share every conversation with your beloved, and every frustration with home or pet or life - but that's what I enjoy reading the most. Life. Every day life. With no need to feel a need to be clever or entertain us - we have your novels for that.

I look forward to seeing what you end up doing with this resolution. :)


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