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keristor November 7 2010, 21:19:38 UTC
"Entschuldigung" (pronounced pretty much as it looks, ent-SHOOL-dee-goong) is "I'm sorry".

Trying to switch to French doesn't surprise me at all, I find that I switch languages to one I do know (at least a bit) if I am surrounded by people speaking one I don't know. Which didn't help in China at all, as they knew even less French and German than they did English.

English was the "lingua franca"? Pardon me while I chortle at the irony...

On the parts of the Autobahn where it is unlimited it /means/ unlimited. However, there is an interesting rule that if you have any sort of accident driving over 130kph it will be treated as your fault, no matter what it was. Basically, if you can drive safely at that speed, go for it, but if you survive an accident you'll be prosecuted. The fastest I drove was around 230kph, once -- and ran out of road, it's amazing how fast 10 klicks disappears at that speed.

But but but ... you were in Germany and didn't stay there to come to FilkContinental! Iz sad...

(Did you run into the fun to be had with Ju's name? "I'm looking for Ju." "You've found me!" "No, not you, Ju!" Usw. *g*)


andpuff November 7 2010, 21:29:32 UTC
I'm going to REALLY work on my German for my next trip and I think this proves a phrase book that spells it out phonetically would be the best bet.

I think RingCon was two weeks after FilkContinental -- which is a little long for me to be away from home and stay married. *g*


katyhh November 7 2010, 23:00:33 UTC
It was one week after, but we forgive you ;-))


andpuff November 8 2010, 14:46:01 UTC
Am glad to be forgiven! :)


keristor November 8 2010, 09:05:59 UTC
I've heard that some of the little handheld devices are good and give accurate pronunciations. I've seen a couple but don't remember what the makes were.

Srsly, if you're coming over we'd all love to see you at a filkcon. Ones coming up are:

UK filkcon, Friday 4th to Sunday 6th February 2011
DFDF (Germany), Friday 27th to Sunday 29th May 2011
FilkContinental, details not yet announced but probably beginning of October

I don't know if they are anywhere near your schedule, but just in case...


andpuff November 8 2010, 14:45:14 UTC
Unfortunately, until I shift my deadline around a bit, December to the middle of February are out for cons... which would have made this year's UK con doable except I'm going to LA that weekend. sigh Maybe next year.


Sorry for brief hijack... spyscribe November 8 2010, 15:32:40 UTC
You're going to be in L.A? Funny enough, so am I. :). Any chance to say hello?

--(Middleman Margaret)


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