...under my feet...

Jun 23, 2010 17:02

You know how animals are supposed to give advance warning of things like, oh, earthquakes ( Read more... )

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Comments 46

wiliqueen June 23 2010, 21:11:58 UTC
Bwah! Clearly they were giving you early warning of the lack of need to be concerned.

I'd lay higher odds on their caring about the sky tumbling down too, but of course that changes the air enough that we can tell if we're paying attention. (And/or have Amazing Barometric Sinuses.)

Although, when I was a teenager in eastern Colorado (Motto: "Where it's not summer yet until you've seen at least one funnel cloud"), neither dog nor cat was any use for that either. Colleen had long since progressed (in true neurotic Irish Setter fashion) from "scared of thunder" to "cowers and shakes in the bathtub when there are clouds," and Spookie... had a nice nap. Briefly interrupted by objecting to being moved to the basement.


pocketnaomi June 23 2010, 22:10:18 UTC
I lived in Chicago for several years with a dog who was utterly oblivious to the passing funnels several times a summer...


wiliqueen June 24 2010, 15:32:47 UTC
That's kind of impressive, considering how much people here freak out about them!


pocketnaomi June 25 2010, 02:00:18 UTC
Heck, *I* freaked out about the only one which came close enough to knock over trees in my immediate neighborhood. ("The huge oaks on either side of the park entrance are NOT supposed to bend over to form an arch!") But the Dog Slept On.


smoooom June 23 2010, 21:30:27 UTC
Are you closer to the epi center? Cause out kitties got quite excited. Not before hand. But during. Mittens was so fluffed out i thought she might just explode! I expect that the futher away from the epi center we are the less freaked out before hand our four legged friends get.

Just my 2 cents (G)


andpuff June 25 2010, 21:08:54 UTC
A little closer than the Toronto area but still not very close.


damedini June 23 2010, 21:31:49 UTC
I didn't notice, but my manager did. The building was evacuated.


andpuff June 25 2010, 21:07:58 UTC
Wow. That's... conscientious.


damedini June 27 2010, 22:14:59 UTC
LOL! It was an hour in the sunshine chatting with people. They'd been constructing in the lower bowels of the building, so I guess they felt the need to make sure none of that had shaken loose.


kattale June 23 2010, 21:37:48 UTC
I spotted one of my cats during the worst of the quake (in Ottawa) cling to the bed with all four paws spread, claws dug in for dear life, tail poofed to baseball-bat size.
An hour later, the toaster popped, and my other cat nearly jumped out of his skin, straight up in the air, back arched... very funny now that I'm on the other side of it...


andpuff June 25 2010, 21:05:58 UTC
You were a lot closer to the epicenter than I was -- it probably really was 5.5. Here... not so much.


pocketnaomi June 23 2010, 22:07:50 UTC
Maybe in addition to foreseeing the earthquake, the animals foresaw that it wouldn't be enough of a problem to be worth disrupting their nap? :)


bardling June 24 2010, 07:16:10 UTC
That was my thought! :)
Alongside "Glad you're seemingly all ok over there!" If it was nothing more than weird... fine, can cope with that quite nicely. :) *hug*


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