2008 Six Months In: Movies

Jun 30, 2008 16:04

1. PS I LOVE YOU -- I don't usually go to 'chick flicks' so I admit up front that I saw this for three base and shallow reasons: 1. Jeffrey Dean Morgan 2. With an Irish accent 3. And full dorsal nudity. If that was all I'd gotten from the movie, I'd have been happy but, as it happened, it was funny and smart and sexy and made me cry as much as it made me laugh but NOT by pushing cheap emotionally manipulative buttons (okay, not all the time) and I'm buying one from the previously viewed at the local rental place real soon now. (JDM played John Winchester in Supernatural and I actually watched Grey's Anatomy for him so clearly, my like runs deep)

2. FORBIDDEN KINGDOM -- Jet Li and Jackie Chan and Chinese mythology? What's not to love? And, as it turned out, it was a 'modern nerd travels in time and space and learns to be a warrior" story as well. (the beloved referred to it as "Narnia with a Kung fu grip!" I smacked the beloved.) Also, the Monkey King and I go way back. Of course the tag was obvious! And I'd have been mightily annoyed had it not been there.

3. IRONMAN (twice) -- Now THAT is how you make a superhero movie, you remember that Tony Stark (or Bruce Wayne or Clark Kent or Diana Prince) is more important than the powers/toys. And you keep your sense of humour! Also, RDJ is very, very sexy which doesn't hurt. At all.

4. NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN -- The Narnia books were huge books for me and there was a lot about this movie I loved: the bit with the White Witch, the fact Edmund (always my fav) got most of the good lines, the way the bears were chewing their paws, the River God, the treatment of Susan (who kicked ass and dear lion, that boy was sex on a stick, I'd have been all over him too!)(although it occasionally looked like he was more interested in Peter…)and Reepicheep! OMG Reepicheep! How much do I love that mouse! But, I only saw it once and for me, that's saying something didn't click. I'll still buy it though.

5. THE INCREDIBLE HULK (twice) -- What? I liked it. It was fun. I pulled a quote out of it that I go around using all the time and I thought the big green guy was kind of cute. Also, I had a heck of a good time making notes on violence in popular culture represented by trousers or the lack there of. The short version: The Hulk got to keep his pants so clearly he still retained genitalia. Blonski, however, (besides suffering from short man syndrome) took aggression one step too far, lost his trousers, and was emasculated. Conclusion based on groinal observation: real men -- as defined by the retention of genitalia -- know where to draw the line. Also, after the first time we saw it, I had a long and enjoyable comic book geek about the potential Avengers movie with a teenage boy until his girlfriend and my wife dragged us apart with much eye rolling. (And now I know other stuff because I have friends with connections! Yay!)

6. WANTED -- Definitely a win of style over substance and a total testosterone fest but I liked it. Not enough to ever see it again granted but I don't feel like I wasted ten bucks and four hours (we're an hour's drive from the theatre). Also, Angelina Jolie kicks butt. And has a lovely butt. And, for a change, she didn't have to cover her tats. The tiger on her back is amazing!

Now, here's the funny thing: I have a Scene card. It's one of those frequent buyer things that gets you points to trade in for movies and ten percent off at the concession stand and is, essentially, a marketing tool for Cineplex. I didn't have it when I saw PS I LOVE YOU back in January so what we have is a 50 year old woman who tends to see movies designed for teenage boys… multiple times. That's going to skew their data a tad…


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