Recognition where recognition deserved.

Mar 26, 2008 21:02

The HP help line has once again proven themselves to be actually helpful. My first laptop was a HP and in order to go on line I had to gear the modem down. (okay that's not technically what I had to do but essentially I was trying to drive a sports car on a goat track and had to get it into a lower gear) The nice young man at the HP help line stayed on the phone with me, explaining and re-explaining until things worked.

Today, VISTA updated and, during the update, apparently deleted the audio software. (Notice how I'm not going on about VISTA -- I could, but I'm not.) I got the driver working again but didn't know how to get the software up as it wasn't listed in the recovery manager. Anne, on the other end of the HP help line -- still an 800 number btw -- got me to where I needed to be. She was, wait for it, helpful. Friendly. And laughed at my jokes. Also, she agreed that the music playing while the customer was on hold was crap.

So, yay Anne at the HP help line.

And thank you.


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