I can haz brain back nao?

Mar 16, 2008 15:09

So, I haven't been around much the last two weeks (or so) because I've been working a story for the next Valdemar anthology.   It's a lot harder to keep someone else's creation in your head than your own.  Your own creation that is.  You should pretty much stick to keeping things in your own head.

Where was I?

Oh yeah...

One of the biggest problems ( Read more... )


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Comments 64

phantomminuet March 16 2008, 19:38:08 UTC
We really missed you at MegaCon. Dylan and Kyle were delightful--especially Dylan, who's a natural at the whole convention thing--but it would have been so interesting to hear from you, as well.

Also, Steve Bacic showed up and heckled from the back of the room, which was great fun. :-)


andpuff March 16 2008, 20:57:22 UTC
I'm not sure Dylan's so much a natural as he's gotten a lot of practise over the years. *g*

Wish I could have been there!


phantomminuet March 16 2008, 23:39:26 UTC
I'm sure experience is part of it, but I've been to a lot of sci fi cons, and while most actors do pretty well within strictly defined parameters or as part of a larger panel with a moderator, Dylan and Kyle had no parameters and no mod. Dylan essentially took on the role of moderator, himself, and he was very good at it.

But he's my favorite, so I may be a tad biased. :-)

(I personally find it very important that one gets the profanity right.)

This is true. Nothing throws me out of a story faster than culturally inappropriate profanity. ;-)


theniwokesoftly March 16 2008, 19:39:50 UTC
::is excited to read said story::


andpuff March 16 2008, 20:56:14 UTC
I suspect the anthology won't be out before next spring so pace yourself. *g*


theniwokesoftly March 17 2008, 01:39:38 UTC
Haha ok. But you're one of my favorite authors, and I lovethe Valdemar books, so that's exciting!


filkferengi March 21 2008, 23:06:59 UTC
When you know a date & title, be sure to post them here [while wearing earplugs, in event of erupting jubilation].


wpadmirer March 16 2008, 19:52:35 UTC
Good fanfic writers are obsessive about details. I've seen the research they do, and it amazes me.

Congratulations on getting your story done. It's always hard to play in someone else's universe, even if it is kind of fun.



andpuff March 16 2008, 20:55:25 UTC
And because Valdemar fans know the details, you have to really take care...


maiac March 16 2008, 20:04:43 UTC
Speaking of Valdemar... I've been meaning to thank you for the preface to "Brock" in Finding Magic. I'd been reading the stories while using my stationary bicycle. I finished the rest of the stories (it's amazing how many MPH I get up to when thoroughly distracted), but I decided if "Brock" makes you cry every time you read it, it wouldn't be a good thing to read while exercising.

And speaking of Finding Magic, Did I tell you at WindyCon that I adore "Tuesday Evenings, Six Thirty to Seven"?

When do you start the first Brianna novel?


andpuff March 16 2008, 20:53:43 UTC
I'm pretty sure Brock is also the longest story in the collection by a considerable margin so you might want to skip it for that too. *g*

And I'm not sure you mentioned adoring Tuesday Evenings but even it you did, I'm more than willing to hear it again!

And shush! No Brianna novel! (smacks reoccuring bunny to death with shovel)


maiac March 16 2008, 21:12:04 UTC
I managed two stories per exercise session, so if Brock wouldn't make me cry it would probably be a good one to read. (Right now I've just started S.L. Farrell's A Magic of Twilight. Who could have predicted that blowing out my knee would result in my reading more actual printed books?)

No Brianna novel? Then maybe another Tony novel? --Wait! Leah Barnett, Supernatural Stuntwoman! Lots of potential there. ::runs away::


Of course wondering ~ vitch36 March 16 2008, 20:19:55 UTC
Well now we know. And I am apparently MUCH out of the loop. I still have postponed the reading of the last of the Blood Books...well, Because it seems to feel that ONCE I do...it's over!

I know, sad!

But at least I will still have the Smoke books before ultimate "Panic" sets in.

Congrats on meeting your deadline!

~ v ~


Re: Of course wondering ~ andpuff March 16 2008, 20:51:48 UTC
Well, there's always short stories...

And thanks!


Re: Of course wondering ~ maiac March 16 2008, 21:15:30 UTC
Once you read all the Blood books, you can re-read them. (I'm about to start in on Blood Price again, because somebody mentioned a detail I don't remember.)


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